This is a collection of lecture notes from the Gelio Winter School 2025 on Solving Inverse Problems. It's a collection of Julia scripts and tutorials for handling inverse problems, along with slides going into detail on some of the discussion topics.
- Lecture 1: Introduction to Solving Inverse Problems with Julia HTML
- Lecture 2 and 3: Differentiating Simulators: Automatic Differentiation and Adjoints on ODEs, PDEs, and other Nonlinear Systems
- Lecture Notes: Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation (AD) via High Dimensional Algebras
- Lecture Notes: Differentiable Programming and Neural Differential Equations
- Live Lecture Notes: PDF Lyx TeX
- Lecture 4: Functional Inverse Problems, Scientific Machine Learning, and Differentiation in the Real World
The notes are contained in Pluto notebooks. To open these notebooks, use a valid Julia installation and do:
using Pluto
See the rendered version of the first notebook if you need any help getting Julia installed and setup.