Sstudiosdev-lib-css v1.0.2
CSS Animations
Keyframes Animations
fadeIn: Opacity transitions from 0 to 1.
fadeOut: Opacity transitions from 1 to 0.
shake: Element moves laterally from left to right and vice versa.
bounce: Element bounces vertically.
pulse: Element opacity alternates between 1 and 0.5.
spin: Element rotates 360 degrees continuously.
slideIn: Element slides in from the left.
slideOut: Element slides out to the left out of view.
flash: Element opacity alternates between 1 and 0 several times.
rubberBand: Element stretches and shrinks elastically.
swing: Element oscillates at specified angles.
wobble: Element sways forward and backward.
rollIn: Element rolls in from the left while rotating.
rollOut: Element rolls out to the right while rotating.
heartBeat: Element expands and contracts in a heartbeat pattern.
tada: Element scales and rotates irregularly.
jello: Element wobbles and distorts irregularly.
jackInTheBox: Element appears small and rotates upwards as it grows.
puffIn: Element appears with a scale from 2 to 1.
puffOut: Element disappears with a scale from 1 to 2.
fadeInDown: Element appears sliding in from the top.
fadeOutUp: Element disappears sliding up.
rotateIn: Element appears rotating from -200 degrees.
rotateOut: Element disappears rotating to 200 degrees.
Animated Button Styles
btn-GlowHover: Soft glow effect on hover.
btn-scale: Button enlarges on hover.
btn-shadow: Button casts shadow on hover.
btn-pulse: Button with continuous pulsing effect.
btn-bounce: Button slightly bounces on hover.
CSS Styles
Color Variables
: #6EE7B7
: #50c998
General Styles
: margin and padding set to 0, box-sizing set to border-box
: font, color, and line-height
: max-width, margin, and padding
: button style and hover transition
: card background and shadow, hover transition
: header padding and background
: body padding
: margin bottom
: label style
: input style
: navbar style and hover transition
: brand style and hover transition
: menu style
.navbar-menu li a
: menu link style and hover transition
: alert style and transition
, .alert-warning
, .alert-error
: specific alert styles
Progress Bar
: progress bar style
: progress bar fill style and transition
: tab style
.tab button
: tab button style and hover transition
: tab content style
Custom List
: list style and hover transition
.custom-list li::before
: list bullet style and hover transition
Tag Container
: tag container style
: tag style and hover transition
: tag delete button style and hover transition
Flip Card
: flip card style
: flip card inner content style and hover transition
, .flip-card-back
: front and back styles of flip card
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