Light-weight program that assists with shortlisting candidates in a management setting.
Run the following script from terminal:
shortlist <role_directory>
# <role_directory> : the path to your folder containing both:
# 1.criteria(.csv file) - see test_role folder for formatting examples
# 2.candidate CVs(.pdf files)
Optional arguments avaliable which offers additional functionalities:
shortlist <role_directory> -w
# deploys webview for pdf files
for help (list avaliable key options in the current view)
Note: keys are case sensitive, r
is different to R
- Alphabetical
- Score (Ascending/Descending)
- Interactive comparison sort
- allow users to enter their own expressions
- up/down arrow keys for filtering templates
- allow regex expressions
- select a criterion and give an appropiate score
- create notes on selected applicant
- Quickly compare a list of applicant
- Export the applicant table to an Excel spreadsheet
- Open pdfs automatically in webview if viewing details for a specific applicant
- Open a Python REPL within the terminal
- Developer mode (full control to the program)