The repository contains both the client and the server components
Client: This is a small React application with a single page (Home) that displays a list of issues. As requested, issues can filtered by username.
Server: The server is built in Node.js using Express.js. It will listen for incoming requests on port 4000 and exposes the following two endpoints:
- GET /api/users
- GET /api/issues?who=:username
In the /server/.env file, you will find two environment variables that specify the organization and repository name from which the issues are retrieved. Feel free to change with them to see how the project responds.
To run the application on your local environment, follow these steps:
- Install dependencies: Navigate to the root folder and install dependencies by running
npm install
- Start the environment: start both the server and client by running the following command in the project's root folder:
npm start
- That's it! After a few seconds, the server and client will be up and running on your local machine!