This repositories contains the code developed for the CarND.
Clone/fork this repository and navigate to the desired project folder. Activate the environment
$ source activate udacity
and follow the instruction in each README
- First term: computer vision and deep learning
- Lane lines finding (computer vision)
- Traffic signs classifier (deep learning)
- Behavioral cloning (deep learning)
- Advanced lane lines finding (computer vision)
- Vehicle detection and tracking (computer vision and machine learning)
- Second term: sensor fusion, localisation, and control
- Extended Kalman filter (sensor fusion)
- Unscented Kalman filter (sensor fusion)
- Kidnapped vehicle (localisation)
- PID controller (control)
- Model Predictive Control (control)
- Third term: path planning, concentration, and systems
- Path planning (localisation and control)
- Semantic segmentation (deep learning)
- System integration (all together)