One click deploys a data science tool suite to a local Kubernetes distributed compute cluster by helping to integrate a broad spectrum of high quality opensource software. Each tool is made available depending on use case, without requiring the end user to seek out, individually install, configure, update, and integrate disparate tooling into new or existing analysis workflows.
Each component dependency is pulled from each respective upstream project and/or docker repository, and no upstream code is ever modified. Different industries and user roles have varied needs; as such the platform is fully customizable in that analytic containers can be added, removed, or rolled back to earlier versions depending on host infrastructure and the applicable template.
Use on-prem Kubernetes or Okteto Cloud: Managed Kubernetes service designed for developers. Free developer accounts. The apps sleep after 24 hours of inactivity. Details:
- Opensource alternative to SPSS, MATLAB, Statistica, and SAS.
- Apache Spark
- Jupyterlab notebook interface
- Python interpreter with Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, and Statsmodels
- R statistics
Launch, startup can take up to 10 minutes:
- Free edition
- Data preparation and model management
Launch, startup can take up to 10 minutes:
- Distributed python clustering and regression algorithms
Launch, startup can take up to 10 minutes, requires account upgrade for sufficient compute resource allocation:
Track experiments to record & compare parameters and results (MLflow Tracking).
Packaging ML code in a reproducible form to share with data scientists or transfer to production (MLflow Projects).
Manage and deploy models from a variety of ML libraries to a variety of model serving and inference platforms (MLflow Models).
Provide a central model store to collaboratively manage the full lifecycle of an MLflow Model, including model versioning, stage transitions, and annotations (MLflow Model Registry).
- Training and inference of deep neural networks
Seldon: (
Generic Kubeflow via Kustomize manifests:
Guild AI:
AWS Sagemaker
Azure ML Studio
Google Vertex AI
Neptune AI (Warsaw)
Comet (Tel Aviv, NY)
Pachyderm (San Francisco)
Weights & Biases (San Francsico)
- DataProfiler: Sensitive data detection, equiped with a pre-trained deep learning model identify sensitive data (PII / NPI).
- DataComPy: Prints out a human-readable report summarizing and sampling differences between two pandas dataframes.
- DataCompareR: Compare two R datasets and view a report on the similarities and differences.
- Rubicon-ml: Captures and stores searchable model training and execution information, like parameters and outcomes, and display them in a dashboard.
- Synthetic-data: Sample data generation (
- Jupyterlab templates: (
- argo-workflow: Argo Workflow plugin
- h2o-single:
- jupyter-minimal: Minimal Jupyter Configuration
- katib: Kubeflow Katib
- kf-pipelines-tekton: Kubeflow Pipelines based on Tekton
- kubeflow-pipelines: Kubeflow Pipelines platform agnostic
- mpi-op: MPI-Operator
- nvidia-gpu: Nvidia GPU support
- pytorch-op: Pytorch op
- tekton: Kubeflow Pipelines based on Tekton
- tensorflow-op: Kubeflow Tensorflow
Apache Airflow
Modin backend:
- Deployment: single node bare metal (nerdctl)
- Deployment: single node kubernetes (kubectl)
- Deployemnt: cloud service provider kuberenetes: (aws eks / kubectl), (gcloud container clusters / kubectl), (az aks / kubectl)
- Shared notebooks and data access/transfers
- Logging and metrics
- Multi-format data ingest (HL7, SAS, CSV, XLSX, ZIP, TXT, JSON, XML, HTML, Images, HDF, PDF, DOCX, MP3, MP4...)
- Dataset clean-up and type conversion
- Lifecycle management (
- Collinearity and covariance
- Boosting: RandomForest & XGBoost (Regressor and Classifier)
- Extracting, transforming and selecting features
- Classification and Regression
- Clustering
- Collaborative filtering
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- Model selection and tuning
- Limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS)
- Normal equation solver for weighted least squares
- Iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS)
- Clustering
- Dimensionality reduction
- Feature extraction and transformation
- Frequent pattern mining
- Evaluation metrics
- PMML model export
- Optimization
- Timeseries collection and analyis
- Interpretability (
- Dashboarding (
- Trino (PrestoSQL) multi-source database ingest
- Pixie Kubernetes metrics (
- FastAPI, Django, and Flask endpoints
- Text indexing and search (Elasticsearch) (
- ETL / singer formater (
- External data versioning and rollback (
- Spark versioning and rollback (