usage: [-h] -i IMGLIST [IMGLIST ...]
[--blur {binomial,constant}] [--degree DEGREE]
[--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--fps FPS] [--vcodec VCODEC]
Combine images into a blurred timelapse. Stack together a moving window to
create each frame, then combine into a video output file. If blurring window
is reduced to a single frame, this will produce a standard timelapse without
blurring. As the blurring window increases in size (n), the resulting output
video, given (N) input frames, will be reduced to (N-n) output frames.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input files.
--blur {binomial,constant}
Frame blur type. Sets the frame weighting
--degree DEGREE, --deg DEGREE, -d DEGREE
Degree of coefficients for image blurring, n. Binomial
blurring window is n+1 frames wide. Constant blurring
window is n frames wide.
--tempdir TEMPDIR Working directory
--fps FPS output video frames per second
--vcodec VCODEC Video codec for FFMPEG.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output video filename. Defaults to "(blur type)_(blur
Requires FFMPEG for video encoding Python libraries: argparse, os, Pillow (PIL), numpy, scipy.comb, time