Various docker files for dev/test.
Docker files to build minimal SSH enabled Debian, Ubuntu and Centos images.
$ cd base/ubuntu
#build image
$ build-docker-image ubuntu mytag $HOME/$USER/.ssh/
#launch 5 containers, host volume mapped to /opt/data/ubuntu-N
$ launch-docker-containers ubuntu mytag 5
#stop only containers named ubuntu
$ stop-docker-containers ubunt*
#stop and remove containers named centos
$ stop-docker-containers centos*
This docker file creates an image with the most recent Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 package installed. Each launched image starts a single bootstrapped Galera node. A launched image will check if the MySQL server's data dir needs to be initated or can be re-used.
Run the script to bootstrap a cluster. The script sets a proper wsrep-cluster-address for all instances named 'galera-N' and then performs a rolling node restart of the DB nodes to join the cluster.
The default root user and MySQL server root password is 'root123'. Ports exposed: 22 80 443 4444 4567 4568
Before creating the image, tune the my.cnf file to your liking.
$ cd percona-xtradb-5.6/centos
$ ./
$ cd percona-xtradb-5.6/ubuntu
$ ./
$ docker images
alyu/ubuntu pxc56 d440fdc4dffc 4 days ago 566.3 MB
alyu/centos pxc56 01eb2d9512be 4 days ago 1.059 GB
Launch 3 images named 'galera-1', 'galera-2', and 'galera-3' and map the host's /mnt/data/{centos-pxc56|ubuntu-pxc56}/mysql to the instance's /var/lib/mysql direcory.
$ ./ 3
$ docker ps
7349a81d2294 alyu/centos:pxc56 /bin/bash /opt/init. 4 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 22/tcp, 3306/tcp, 443/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp, 80/tcp galera-3
862280f54f62 alyu/centos:pxc56 /bin/bash /opt/init. 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 22/tcp, 3306/tcp, 443/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp, 80/tcp galera-2
bcb8ea7da6c3 alyu/centos:pxc56 /bin/bash /opt/init. 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 22/tcp, 3306/tcp, 443/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp, 80/tcp galera-1
Sets a proper wsrep-cluster-address in each node's my.cnf file and performs a rolling restart of the nodes so that they join the cluster.
$ ./
$ ssh [email protected] (pass: root123)
$ mysql -uroot -proot123 -e "show status like '%wsrep%'"