Every year, 1.27 million people die in road accidents, 90% of which are down to human error. In 2015 there were 256,179 victims in Africa alone. RollE is an open-source programme to develop modular self-driving cars in a collaborative manner. Students and researchers have access to this technology to test their ideas and implement algorithms for autonomous driving, using learning and control techniques which are similar to those used in the automotive industry, but without having to take on the elevated relative costs.
- Affordable Modular Autonomous Vehicle Development Platform - Paper on RollE published by IEEE
- Data Collection and Autonomy Demonstration of RollE - Video demonstration of RollE
Head to the Wiki page for instructions to get you setup.
Contributions are welcome and enccouraged, create a pull request to submit contributions.
- Benedict Quartey
Kindly acknowledge the creator when using all or any section of the code/design. If you have any inquiries or need any help, shoot me an email at [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Refer to the LICENSE file for details