LatLng to UTM converter vice versa for Nodejs.
Via [npm]:
$ npm install utm-latlng
var utmObj = require('utm-latlng');
var utm=new utmObj(); //Default Ellipsoid is 'WGS 84'
var utm=new utmObj('Everest');
- Airy
- Australian National
- Bessel 1841
- Bessel 1841 Nambia
- Clarke 1866
- Clarke 1880
- Everest
- Fischer 1960 Mercury
- Fischer 1968
- Fischer 1968
- GRS 1967
- GRS 1980
- Helmert 1906
- Hough
- International
- Krassovsky
- Modified Airy
- Modified Everest
- Modified Fischer 1960
- South American 1969
- WGS 60
- WGS 66
- WGS 72
- WGS 72
- ED50
- WGS 84
- ETRS89
Convert from UTM to latitude/longitude coordinates.
Returns { lat:xxxxx, lang:xxxxx }
Convert from latitude/longitude coordinates to UTM.
Returns { Easting:xxxxx, Northing:xxxxx, ZoneNumber:xxxx, ZoneLetter:xxxxx }