The final app will look like this:
File Structure of the app:
- assets
- css
- fonts
- img
- js
- ng
- controllers
- directives
- factories
- services
- templates
- app.js
- routes.js
- snippets
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- Git
- A development server to host the app on your development machine. We recommend live-server which requires Node.js (download Node.js here: You can find installation and usage instructions for live-server here: .
- A text editor. We recommend Atom (, Brackets (, or Sublime (
- All major stages of the app are numbered from 00 to 04. Type in git branch -a to list all the branch names and type in git checkout branch_name to enter that branch.
- The snippets directory explains how to get your app from a normal Angular app to using the ngMaterial, ngMdIcons and Firebase libraries.
- Clone the repository into a directory on your computer. Familiarise yourself with the file structure.
- Check out the 00 branch and build something!
- Refer to the snippets, they will guide you towards building the final app.
- If you are not sure where certain directives are placed to be used correctly why not check the Angular online documentation: