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cajhin edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 5 revisions

ESC Commands

ESC Commands are hardcoded shortcuts that trigger Capsicain.

ESC Commands work in config 0 ("Capsicain disabled"),
but not when Capsicain is OFF (via GLOBAL capsicainOnOffKey {key}).

To trigger a shortcut:

  1. press the real ESC key
  2. press and release the command key
  3. release ESC

Press [ESC]+[H] for an up-to-date list of commands.

List of current ESC commands

[H] Help

[X] Exit

[0]..[9] switch configs. [0] is the 'do nothing but listen for commands' config

[W] flip ALT <-> WIN on Apple keyboards

[Z] (labeled [Y] on GER keyboard): flip Y <-> Z keys

[S] Status

[D] Debug mode output

[E] Error log

[C] Print list of key labels for all scancodes

[R] Reset and reload the .ini file

[T] Move Taskbar icon to Tray and back

[U] Username Enter/Playback

[P] Password Enter/Playback. DO NOT USE if others can access your local machine.

[I] Show processed Ini for the active config

[A] Autohotkey start

[Y] autohotkeY stop

[J][K][L][;] Macro Recording: Start,Stop,Playback,Copy macro definition to clipboard.

[,] and [.]: delay between keys in sequences -/+ 1ms

[Q] (dev feature) Stop the debug build if both release and debug are running