LaBamba Mofongo is a restaurant that serves food, beverages, and cuisine from Spanish cultures across the world in an upscale dining-experience in the heart of Flatiron District, NYC.
We created this app to provide our customers with a first-class restaurant-reservation experience. We want customers to leave our site having made a reservation in easy-to-follow steps and visuals, and to follow through with reservation on commited date(s).
Express.js was used for the backend framework. CRUD controlled how reservations were made, deleted and otherwise accessed. React.js was used on the frontend to control how the website renders in the browser, changing components based on user behavior. We also used react-pdf-js to render the pdf menu in react.
Target customer profile:
appreciates ethnic (to wit, Spanish) cuisine o sophisticated palette
dining experience is an extension of lifestyle brand (exclusivity/VIP treatment)
likes to feel catered to
healthy disposable income
enjoys family-friendly atmosphere at elegant level, not akin to Applebees family-friendly atmosphere.
Attractive to millennials and upper-middle-class patrons/customers
Yarn was used as the package manager for project’s dependencies, in addition to package.json.
Web Developers: Josué Pérez, Dan Levenson, Illeana Ordeñez, Robert Motión, MBA