2024: Continuing with Pythonista.
2023: Still on Pythonista. With some manual file copying into the on-phone
, I managed to get
working as a
dependency, which simplifies the data grabbing. To run these scripts with your
own data, just follow the README instructions there for putting AOC_SESSION
your environment.
2020-2022: Reverted to Pythonista on my phone; spare time while I watch the kids is the only time I have for this, so phone-coding works and it's a fun constraint.
These are my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles for 2017-2019. 2017 and 2018 are a mess because I've imported them directly from Pythonista on my phone; for 2019 I'm trying out Rust and they're cleaner.
For 2017 and 2018, the entire initial code base was written on an iPhone in Pythonista, in Python 3 using almost no external dependencies. (For 2018 I did use the parse package.) Writing on an iPhone was part interesting challenge, and partly so I could do the puzzles while holding a newborn. Many of the solutions were edited in place to produce the part 2 answer, so the part 1 answer is no longer printed out.