Python script that sends download links to aria2c for download
This setup assumes you have aria2c up with rpc running
pip install putio-downloader
Usage: putio-download [OPTIONS]
CLI entrypoint for downloader
--oauth-token TEXT [required]
--root-watch-dir INTEGER [required]
--aria2c-secret-token TEXT [required]
--incomplete-dir TEXT [required]
--complete-dir TEXT [required]
--watch-folders TEXT [required]
--rpc-url TEXT [required]
-q, --quiet
-v, --verbose
--config FILE Read configuration from PATH.
--help Show this message and exit.
If you don't want to pass those options on the command line, you can work with a config file to pass all or just some of the following:
oauth_token = 'XXXXXXXX'
keep_folder_structure = 'true'
root_watch_dir = 0
incomplete_dir = '/download/incomplete'
complete_dir = '/download/complete'
rpc_url = ''
watch_folders = ['isos', 'news', 'videos']
For windows, directories must follow windows' directory formatting, ie.
incomplete_dir = 'C:\\download\\incomplete'
complete_dir = 'C:\\download\\complete'
Run the download script on an interval so you don't miss out on any of your files
*/10 * * * * putio-download --config ~/myconfig.ini >> ~/putio.log 2>&1
To prevent multiple instances of putio-download from running, consider using a wrapper script like the following:
COUNT=`ps -ef | grep putio-download | grep -v grep | wc -l`
if [ $COUNT == 0 ]; then
putio-download --config ~/config.ini
echo "already running..."
If you do use a script like this, make sure to update the crontab to point to it