prototype of the multilevel summation method for dispersion interactions
Everything necessary to run the prototype can be done via the Makefile In order to compile the code there are two options: make and make noforce
make: after each time step, the output of the forces are written into a file, overwriting the previous time step.
I/O operation are especially costly, and increase the time spent in
the part of the code that also contains the integrator etc.
To avoid I/O operations, compile with make noforce
For the intel compiler some optimization flags can be added: make intel and make noforce_intel
To run the program: ./msm_disp
The and its corresponding are located in ./input
The necessary MLS parameters have to be provided through the . Some example config files are in this folder.
HOWEVER, it is recommended to use the default options provided in the Makefile: make run and make run500 and make run32 and make run256 and make run_sh
make run500 1000 time steps 500-particle system
make run 1000 time steps 4,000-particle system
make run32 1000 time steps 32,000-particle system
make run256 1000 time steps for a 265,000-particle system
make run_sh compiles the code and runs a shell script that creates a plot.txt containing the potential energies (total, local, grid_based, and self-interaction), and the force error for different cutoffs.