Harrods is an iconic British institution thats globally renowned for its luxury retailing. Originally founded by Charles Henry Harrod in 1849, this upscale department store sits in the heart of Londons posh Knightsbridge district. With its motto "Omnia Omnibus Ubique" which translates to "All Things for All People, Everywhere," Harrods prides itself on providing an unrivaled selection of high-end products and services. However, Harrods does not have a stock market listing, thus it does not have a stock symbol or an initial public offering (IPO) date, or a market capitalization at IPO. More details about Harrods, its history, and operations can be found on its Wikipedia page.
Harrodss main competitors in the luxury retail market include Selfridges and Fortnum & Mason. Selfridges, founded by Harry Gordon Selfridge in 1908, prides itself on offering a visionary approach to retail, with its flagship store located on London’s Oxford Street. On the other hand, Fortnum & Mason, famed for its high-quality groceries, was founded by William Fortnum and Hugh Mason in 1707. Like Harrods, neither Selfridges nor Fortnum & Mason are listed on the stock exchange, hence they do not have Bloomberg pages. More details about these competitors can be found on their respective Wikipedia pages for Selfridges and Fortnum & Mason.
Web scraping of Harrodss website provides a wealth of information for different use cases. For instance, the data can be used for price monitoring, where one tracks the pricing of products over time to identify sales trends, price changes, and discounts. Similarly, one can compare prices and discounts at Harrods with its competitors for a comprehensive market analysis. Furthermore, the data can also be utilized in predictive analysis to forecast future price trends, and product popularity based on historical data. By combining these applications, companies and individuals can gain a deep understanding of Harrods strategies, opportunities, and challenges in the competitive luxury retail market.