These are my dotfiles. Nothing to incredible...yet. I chose to focus on color customization more than anything (you'll see I have a real afinity for space themes ;)). My current setup is i3wm with gaps. No display manager. I use a command-line login prompt with ASCII art. Check it out!. After loginning in I autostart 2 instances of Termite on the left and Google Chrome on the right of workspace 1. I attempt to use vim...sometimes...but I like vscode better so I didn't bother adding the default .vimrc file. But anyway... on to the PRETTY COLORS!!!
- Gray/Blue/Biege Space Theme
- Mountain Village
- Arch Linux (Orange, Blue, White, Black)
- Cyberpunk Future
- Purple, Blue, Orange Space
- Solid Snake, Solid Build
- Red, Blue, Purple Space
- Space surfing
- Sunset in Hawaii
For my build you need the following packages
- i3 (and associated packages, i.e. gaps)
- polybar
- rofi
- Nerd Fonts
- scrot
- Google Chrome (sue me)
- termite
- pywal (formerly 'wal')
- arandr
If you are on Arch Linux you can run:
pacaur -S i3blocks i3-gaps i3-wm polybar rofi nerd-fonts-complete scrot google-chrome-stable termite pywal arandr
That should install most (if not all necessary packages)
- Add and/or create makefile or