power management for windows. Autocheck launched apps. Manage via the system tray icon.
This tool allow manually switch existing power plans and AUTO switch power plans by autochecking launched applications.
Main Usage:
Python 3
pip install pystray, psutil, winsound
A. List existing power schemas by call:powercfg -list
in cmd shell or Windows PowerShell. Check schema names.
B. Edit powerplan.cfg file. Fill [Plans] section by power schema names: short_name_for_find = long_name_for_display_in_menu
Fill [Applications] section by: application.exe = power_level_index
. Level index is ordered in [Plans].
C. Open cmd shell or Windows PowerShell. Test execution of script:
>python.exe "_path_to_powerplan_dir_\powerplan.py"
Be sure u have no errors, just information output. Find new icon on system tray, choose exit.
D. Main call through pythonw:
>pythonw.exe "_path_to_powerplan_dir_\powerplan.py" -hide
Test autoswitch of schemas by launching and stopping application, specified on [Applications] section.
E. Open windows scheduler, create new task with trigger: logon, and action: start program from previous step.
F. A lot of info in powerplan.cfg file
powercfg -list:
- GUID схемы питания: 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e (Сбалансированная) *
- GUID схемы питания: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c (Высокая производительность)
- GUID схемы питания: a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a (Экономия энергии)
Translated to [Plans] section:
- Экон = Экономный
- Сбал = Сбалансированный
- Высок = Высок.производительность
(Экон = Economy, Сбал = Balanced, Высок = Performance) in russian
Config file location is set up in line 18: config.read(sys.path[0] + '\powerplan.cfg') #
Font set up in file 'powerplan_image.py', line 51