严格知识产权许可证(试用) 版本 22.C09 (简称:SIPL22.C09)
版权所有 (c) <年份> <版权所有者>
10.本著作按“原样”提供,不提供任何形式的保证,明示或暗示,包括但不限于以下保证: 适销性、特定用途的适用性和不侵权。 在任何情况下,各作者者均不对任何索赔负责,损害赔偿或其他责任。
Strict Intellectual Property License (Trial) Version 22.C09 (Abbreviation:SIPL22.C09)
Copyright (c)
Note: "You" in this article includes any individual, organization, institution, social group, company, government, any computer program with independent thinking.
You are hereby granted permission to obtain a copy of this work.
When using this license, you must comply with local laws and regulations, otherwise this license is invalid; If any legal dispute arises over this work, it needs to be resolved through local laws and regulations.
When using this work granted by the license, you must comply with local laws and regulations, otherwise the original author may not recognize the validity of this license; If any legal dispute arises over this work, it needs to be resolved through local laws and regulations.
You are free to reproduce, distribute, display and perform the revised version of this work, provided that the original author and the author of the derivative version (if any) obtained by you (hereinafter referred to as "each author") ("derivative version" does not include a work that is separate from the work and its derivative version, or a work that is only linked to the interface or bound by name to the work and its derivative version).
If you distribute, display and perform this work, you must conspicuously display the entire content and authors of the version obtained by you before the revision.
If you wish to distribute a modified work or distribute a work that quotes more than or equal to 10% of the work (including source code, documentation and/or related items) (hereinafter referred to as "new work"), you may distribute it only if you comply with the same license agreement as this work or do not conflict with multiple licenses (hereinafter referred to as "these agreements") (if you do not wish to comply with these agreements, please read Section 5). You must retain the name and identification of the original author and the authors of each derivative version in each branch involved in the manner specified by the original author or the licensor designated by the original author (hereinafter referred to as the "License").
You may not induce, advise or compel each author to authorize you in any way about any content of this work, otherwise this license will expire for you.
If you do not want your new work to comply with these agreements, you must obtain permission from the original author, and the original author will decide whether you need to credit the original author and pay the license fee, etc.
If you change, transform or use the work after you change or adapt it for profit, such as adding any form of advertising or other acts of using this work for profit, you must obtain the permission of the original author, and the original author will decide whether to indicate the original author and pay the license fee.
If you comply with these agreements, the use of all patents involved in this work does not require permission from the patent holder, but may only be used in this work and its derivative versions; If you do not wish to comply with these agreements, you need to obtain permission from the original author and the patent holder, and the original author and the patent holder will decide whether to identify the original author and the patent holder and pay the license fee.
It is permitted to use this work for the training of computer programs, provided that this computer program and training results must comply with this agreement; If this computer program does not wish to comply with this agreement, you need to obtain permission from the original author, and the original author will decide whether you need to credit the author and pay the license fee.
This work is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the following: Merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the respective authors be liable for any claims, damages or otherwise.
Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of this work is held by the original author.
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