git clone temporalio
cd temporalio
docker-compose up
We will use Spring-Cli to create service projects. Let's start with installing Spring-Cli
brew tap spring-io/tap
brew install spring-boot
java -version
mvn -v
A service responsible to manage the user. This will assign unique identifier to the user
spring init --dependencies=web,jpa,h2 --java-version=17 --build=maven --group-id=id.vida --artifact-id=user --name=user --description="User Service" user
A service responsible to verify the user's information
spring init --dependencies=web,jpa,h2 --java-version=17 --build=maven --group-id=id.vida --artifact-id=user-verification --name=user-verification --description="User Verification Service" user-verification
Create an API Facade service which will expose REST APIs to be invoked from external clients. This will be the entry point to trigger the execution of workflows
spring init --dependencies=web --java-version=17 --build=maven --group-id=id.vida --artifact-id=workflow-facade --name=workflow-facade --description="Workflow Facade Service" workflow-facade