My challenge was to optimize this online portfolio for speed! In particular, to optimize the critical rendering path and make this page render as quickly as possible by applying the techniques I picked up in the Critical Rendering Path course.
Clone the repository from Github.
Point your browser to index.html.
####Part 1: Optimize PageSpeed Insights score for index.html
Here are the optimizations I made to index.html:
- Optimized images
- Inlined styles
- Added media="print" to ignore print styles unless printing
- Moved JavaScript references to bottom of body
- Switched to use async Web Font loader
This page now renders with a PageSpeed Score of 95.
####Part 2: Optimize Frames per Second in pizza.html
To optimize the framerate of pizza.html, the following changes were made to main.js:
- Pre-constructed array of movers on DOMContentLoaded instead of on every scroll
- Used document.getElementsByClassName() instead of the slower document.querySelectorAll()
- Pre-calculated the 5 scroll phases to avoid calculating for each mover in the loop
- Avoided moving off-screen pizzas, reduced number from 200 to 32
On my computer, 10 frames render in well under 1ms.