For more details read the blog here
- git
- Github account
- Terraform
- AWS account
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Docker with at least 4GB of RAM and Docker Compose v1.27.0 or later
Read this post, for information on setting up CI/CD, DB migrations, IAC(terraform), "make" commands and automated testing.
Run these commands to setup your project locally and on the cloud.
# Clone the code as shown below.
git clone
cd online_store
# Local run & test
make up # start the docker containers on your computer & runs migrations under ./migrations
make ci # Runs auto formatting, lint checks, & all the test files under ./tests
# Create AWS services with Terraform
make tf-init # Only needed on your first terraform run (or if you add new providers)
make infra-up # type in yes after verifying the changes TF will make
# Wait until the EC2 instance is initialized, you can check this via your AWS UI
# See "Status Check" on the EC2 console, it should be "2/2 checks passed" before proceeding
make cloud-metabase # this command will forward Metabase port from EC2 to your machine and opens it in the browser
make cloud-dagster # this command will forward Dagster port from EC2 to your machine and opens it in the browser
You can connect metabase (open this using make cloud-metabase
) to the warehouse with the following credentials
WAREHOUSE_DB: warehouse
WAREHOUSE_HOST: warehouse_db
Create database migrations as shown below.
make db-migration # enter a description, e.g., create some schema
# make your changes to the newly created file under ./migrations
make warehouse-migration # to run the new migration on your warehouse
For the continuous delivery to work, set up the infrastructure with terraform, & defined the following repository secrets. You can set up the repository secrets by going to Settings > Secrets > Actions > New repository secret
: We can get this by runningterraform -chdir=./terraform output -raw private_key
in the project directory and paste the entire content in a new Action secret called SERVER_SSH_KEY.REMOTE_HOST
: Get this by runningterraform -chdir=./terraform output -raw ec2_public_dns
in the project directory.REMOTE_USER
: The value for this is ubuntu.
After you are done, make sure to destroy your cloud infrastructure.
make down # Stop docker containers on your computer
make infra-down # type in yes after verifying the changes TF will make