This is an example for quick starting your three.js animation project using ES6 with webpack and babel. Here I have implemented the box example to an Object Oriented Approach.
## clone the repo
git clone
## go to the directory
cd three-es6-template
## install
npm install
npm start
- Start the dev server, it will render the three.js example in bodynpm run build
- Build the production bundle by webpack using HtmlWebpackPlugin
┣ 📂build
┣ 📂node_modules
┣ 📂src
┃ ┗ 📜index.js
┃ ┗ 📜Home.js
┃ ┗ 📜Box.js
┣ 📜.gitignore
┣ 📃
┣ 📜.prettierrc
┣ 📜.babelrc
┣ 📜webpack.config.js
┣ 📜package-lock.json
┗ 📜package.json
Made with ❤️ by kiranlm