A binding-time analysis (BTA) for the logen offline partial evaluator.
Written by Michael Leuschel and German Vidal
See also http://stups.hhu.de/w/Size-Change-BTA
To build you need SICStus Prolog Version 4.3.x
Simply run
which will produce a binary bta inside the bin directory.
Simply run "make test" to do a simple test, which will use the bta to produce an annotated version for an example program, run LOGEN on it and the run the specialised program. (You need to build Logen https://github.com/leuschel/logen and have the logen binary on the PATH. You should probably also set the LOGEN_DIR environment variable to point to the root directory containing the logen sources and binary.)
This system is based on research presented in
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0890540114000066 Fast offline partial evaluation of logic programs ☆ Michael Leuschel, Germán Vidal Information and Computation 235, pages 70-97. April 2014.
http://stups.hhu.de/w/Special:Publication/LeuschelTamaritVidal_WFLP09 Fast and Accurate Strong Termination Analysis with an Application to Partial Evaluation In Proceedings WFLP'2009, LNCS 5979, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
http://stups.hhu.de/w/Special:Publication/LeVi08_234 Fast Offline Partial Evaluation for Large Logic Programs In Proceedings LOPSTR'08, volume 5438 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008.
The generated binary (bin/bta) can be used as follows:
bta [Options] PLFILE
Possible options:
--help: prints this message
--entry "GOAL.": use GOAL as entry point for bta
GOAL = pred(a1,...,an) where ai = s,list_nv,list,nv or d
-o FILE: write annotated program into FILE
-sc: Allow semicall annotations
-su: Allow semiunfold annotations
-om: Allow online memo annotations
-mv: Monovariant Analysis (max. 1 filter decl. per predicate)
-ng: Do not try to ensure global termination
-nl: Do not try to ensure local termination
-ih: ignore $MEMOANN + $MEMOCALL hints
-ll: Allow List-Length norm
--scc: use scc preprocessing (--oneloop)
--time_out T: max runtime per file (in ms)
-d FILE: display dependency graph
-v, --verbose: print debugging messages
-vv: print even more debugging messages
--version: print version information