julia = {
skills: {
tools: ["Python", "SQL", "Jupyter Notebook", "Postgresql", "VS Code", "Git", "Looker Studio"],
libraries: ["Pandas", "Numpy", "Matplotlib", "Seaborn", "Scikit-learn"],
speciality: ["Data Visualization", "EDA", "Business Intelligence (BI)"],
languages: ["Native Portuguese", "C2 English Level", "Intermediate Spanish", "Learning 한글 and 拼音"]
education: {
degree: "B.Sc. in Software Engineering",
institution: "Federal University of Ceará (UFC)",
focus: ["Software Development", "Data Science", "Machine Learning"],
highlights: ["Vice-President of Software Engineering Student Union (2024)", "Representant of the Student Council (2023)"]
volunteering: {
role: "Coordinator",
organization: "Polygot Club",
description: "Led cultural exchange and language learning activities."
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to know you more! :)