This project reads the barcode of the product with the webcam. And with the barcode data, it uses website to search for the barcode. With this information (name, date, country, price), it searches for the product on the website After that, it displays the product information such as calorie, fat, protein, carbohydrate etc. on the terminal. Also, it sends this information to the database (if it's not in the database) because it is easier to retrieve data from the database than parsing from website.
requests bs4 imutils pyzbar opencv-python pymongo dnspython
How to use it:
Firstly, you need to create a MongoDB Cloud Server. After that, you have to install the requirements. Finaly, you need to enter database name, table name, user name and password information as arguments.
For example you can run the code like this:
python db_name table_name user_name password