This is a sample NodeJS project implementing a CLI tool which can be extensible by just adding more components. I am new to NodeJS and this is my first program. I may not be following standard Node.js practices and standards that effect performance.
This code used "commander" module to implement CLI with proper error handling, ability to add more commands on fly without making changes to exiting code. The actions folder contains .js files and each of them corresponding to a command that is supported.
cd <code folder(the directory where package.json exists)>
npm install
npm test
cd src
node shopback-calculator.js redeem
node shopback-calculator.js spend 10 10 10
node shopback-calculator.js signup
To add one more command, craete a .js file with <command_name>.js format in "actions" folder and implement following methods. The functionality of the tool, help gets updated on fly with new command.
node shopback-calculator.js -h
node shopback-calculator.js spend -h
node shopback-calculator.js redeem -h
node shopback-calculator.js signup -h
node shopback-calculator.js <any new command> -h