wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mydennislab/Long_read_RNA_seq/refs/heads/main/Long_read_RNA_seq_env.yml
conda env create -f Long_read_RNA_seq_env.yml
conda activate Long_read_RNA_seq_env
Isoseq pipeline documented here: https://isoseq.how/clustering/cli-workflow.html
Download MAS adapter fasta. These will either be the MAS16 set or the MAS8 set
MAS16 barcodes:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mydennislab/Long_read_RNA_seq/refs/heads/main/mas16_primers.fasta
MAS8 barcodes:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mydennislab/Long_read_RNA_seq/refs/heads/main/mas8_primers.fasta
Use Skera to split Kinnex PacBio HiFi reads at adapter positions generating segmented reads
skera split -j <threads> <hifi_reads.bam> <adapter_primers.fasta> segmented_MASadapters.bam
barcoded Iso-Seq primers are here:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mydennislab/Long_read_RNA_seq/refs/heads/main/barcoded_IsoSeq_primers.fa
Use lima
to create Full length (FL) reads.
lima -j 60 --isoseq segmented_MASadapters.bam barcoded_IsoSeq_primers.fa fl_reads.bam
This will create a variety of files depending on the barcodes detected. Use cat fl_reads.lima.counts
to see counts and identify which adapter was used. There will be a file with significantly more reads than the other barcodes Use this file for isoseq refine
Refinement involves:
Trimming of poly(A) tails
Rapid concatemer identification and removal
This results in creation of Full length non-concatemer (FLNC) reads
isoseq refine -j 60 --require-polya fl_reads.barcoded_IsoSeq_adapter_ID.bam barcoded_IsoSeq_primers.fa flnc_require-polya.bam
Use Oarfish
to get transcript counts
Oarfish docs: https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/oarfish
Check oarfish flags:
oarfish -h
Run Oarfish. Oarfish will take the FLNC reads as input as well as a transcriptome
oarfish --verbose --output <output_folder/output_header> -j <threads> --reads flnc_require-polya.bam --reference <transcriptome_ref.fa> --index-out <folder_with_transcriptome_ref.fa> --seq-tech <ont-cdna, ont-drna, pac-bio, pac-bio-hifi>
Oarfish output should be a folder with these files:
will contain transcript name, transcript length, and normalized counts.
Gene_sum_oarfish_trancript_counts = fread("Sample.quant") %>%
group_by(tname) %>%
summarise(gene_sum = sum(num_reads))