- cebfd26 [vagrant]: add package to dependencies
- 593165b [vagrant]: add base configuration
- e2fbf47 [nix]: add config for experimental features for flakes and nix-command
- 19261cd [nvim]: add image integration in markdown files
- d174bc2 [ghostty]: add initial configuration
- 2cb0d36 [git]: add worktrees to global ignore
- d82df7d [zsh]: add aluno and grupo functions
- 05d91bc [gnome(forge)]: fix tailing mode
- 76634a6 [git]: fix commit path for UMinho
- 4c8b110 [gnome]: save latest version
- a6fd247 [gnome]: add more keyboard shortcuts
- 49bb84b [gnome]: update install setup
- f4cb1c1 [zsh]: add cabal alias
- 8c08862 [nvim]: setup hls for haskell code
- 6490186 [bat]: remove decorations when viewing a file
- dac1a1d [vscode]: auto detect color scheme
- eeb16a8 [vim]: prepare editor for class
- 99c2231 [latex]: add update method value
- cd8b617 [vscode]: add keybindings configuration
- 53aac90 [zsh]: add local/bin to PATH
- 97dafb0 [nvim]: add configuration for sqlls
- fe37c02 [nvim]: add navigation controls for terminal
- ab8ed11 [git]: add allowed signers file
- afb9c5e [nvim]: add toggleterm plugin
- 2b47b51 [zsh]: add bin/podmanw alias
- 2aa6ec9 [haskell]: improve install script
- 5c4f515 [wezterm]: increase background opacity in linux since cannot blur
- 732f628 [gnome]: add switch-to-workspace shortcut
- 1407b80 [nvim]: create max line number for notifications
- 29e87bb [wezterm]: use meta + index to move between tabs
- 8cdb3e7 [ssh]: update base configuration
- 641a55f [gnome]: save all system configuration
- ec0d645 [gnome]: save gnome shortcuts configuration
- 5efa50d [nvim]: remove fileformat from lualine
- a7e9ab0 [nvim]: add supermaven plugin
- a4b7da3 [wezterm]: add shortcuts to move around panes
- 345bfea [wezterm]: improve configuration for windows
- 5f63396 [gnome]: add initial configuration for wallpapers
- 0cb511d [gnome]: improve shortcuts
- 408d52b [nvim]: migrate to lua 🌑
- 4ffc8d8 [wezterm]: add initial configuration
- a257769 [ulauncher]: add adwaita theme
- 0eb6aca [nvim]: fix copy paste in wayland sessions
- 3a85709 [vscode]: upgrade VS Code extensions
- 6e5afda remove asdf for good
- a74060d [nix]: add initial setup
- c7a6f0f [elixir]: fix erlang dependency in fedora
- 23536d7 [ssh]: fix symlinking
- 1454912 improve distro scripts to install packages
- d6053ef [git]: start signing with ssh keys
- dc3bd98 [zsh]: add zsh-autopair plugin
- 000e00c [elixir]: add application and env to prompt
- bea1c24 remove asdf completly
- 755fa32 [vim]: improve terminal shell
- 8f9dacb [nvim]: improve shortcuts
- dee1b1d [nitrogen]: update nitrogen config
- 29cd192 [autorandr]: update configuration
- c6da9e7 [nvim]: add leader to open marks
- e799ec3 [gitleaks]: add initial setup for gitleaks
- 613dfd8 [vscode]: add tailwind-fold support
- b2b8dc5 [asdf]: for elixir and erlang use system versions for global settings
- e1d5faa [autorandr]: fix home layout
- 142a681 [autorandr]: fix home layout
- ea36592 [zsh]: refactor timestamp function to use --utc instead of env variable
- b2113f1 [zsh]: add timestamp function in UTC
- bb75049 [vscode]: increase font size
- 480b24a replace exa by eza
- 5316b50 [ssh]: add eeg servers config
- ff2812e [zoxide]: add initialization
- 67d94c6 [polybar]: fix computer monitor
- e283a97 [mise]: make elixir and erlang use the latest
- 69a01eb [zsh]: improve backup command to not stop for commit hooks nor gpg signature
- 52ff404 [vscode]: add default themes
- a20a9e5 [zsh]: fix backup function commit messages
- ed83f11 [mise]: fix mise issues
- 60d0fa1 [mise]: add alias to run tasks
- 4a2eb79 [mise]: fix activate mise
- 0df324d [alacritty]: migrate to TOML configuration
- 7f25f6c [mise]: add temporary prompt with language versions
- b686219 [mise]: remove rtx and start using mise
- 858c622 [autorandr]: fix vertical definition of code editor
- 1cfb774 [autorandr]: add vertical definition of code editor
- d564e08 [haskell]: add random to list of predefined packages
- 7fc8930 [vscode]: fix common settings
- 7ad737f [vscode]: add vscode extensions list and sync user settings
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.10.0
This is probably the last release before 3.0 where it will slowly start migrating to a unified experience installing packages. All of that will rely on Nix.