Spatial analyses and plots using open access data to inform setup of a reef biodiversity account. Datasets downloadable from the Allen Coral Atlas ( and NOAA coral reef watch (
Download the package using the Julia package installer,
pkg> add ReefBiodiversityAccountSetup
This repository is in active development. If you see an issue or have suggestions, submit a GitHub issue.
Download datasets from to analyse potential for setting up a reef biodiversity account.
using GLMakie, GeoMakie, GraphMakie
import ReefBiodiversityAccountSetup as RBAS
# Load config file to get data locations
config_file = RBAS.spatial_analysis.load_config(; config_path="../config.toml")
# Load benthic, geomorphic and extent data for whole of GBR
benthic, geomorphic, reef_extent = RBAS.spatial_analysis.load_spatial_base(config_file)
# Set lat and long box limits for loading account data
box_upper = (-16.75284, 146.15641)
box_lower = (-16.95082, 146.32396)
# Get benthic and geomorphic data within the account box
benthic = RBAS.spatial_analysis.get_geo_within_box(benthic, box_upper, box_lower)
geomorphic = RBAS.spatial_analysis.get_geo_within_box(geomorphic, box_upper, box_lower)
extent = RBAS.spatial_analysis.get_geo_within_box(reef_extent, box_upper, box_lower)
# Plot benthic and geomorphic data
fig_benthic = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
benthic[:, :class];
opts=Dict(:legend_name => "Benthic map",
:color_map => :Accent_5)
fig_geomorphic = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
geomorphic[:, :class];
opts=Dict(:legend_name => "Geomorphic map",
:color_map => :hawaii10)
Establish benthic and geomorphic maps of potential coral-supporting substrate.
# Filter for Coral/Algae type
benthic_filtered = RBAS.spatial_analysis.filter_site_area(benthic)
# Get intersection of geomorphic polygons and account extent
geomorphic_ext = RBAS.spatial_analysis.multipoly_geom_intersection(
extent, geomorphic, :class
# Get intersection of benthic filtered polygons and account extent
benthic_ext = RBAS.spatial_analysis.multipoly_geom_intersection(
extent, benthic_filtered, :class
# Get intersection of benthic filtered polygons and geomorphic polygons
geomorphic_benthic_comb = RBAS.spatial_analysis.multipoly_geom_intersection(
benthic_ext, geomorphic_ext, :class
fig_benthic_filtered = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
benthic_ext[:, :class];
opts=Dict(:legend_name => "Coral/Rock substrate",
:color_map => :imolaS)
fig_geomorphic_filtered = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
geomorphic_benthic_comb[:, :class];
opts=Dict(:legend_name => "Geomorphic categories of Coral/Rock substrate",
:color_map => :hawaii10)
Estimate area available to support coral based on total site areas and proportion of Rock/Coral/Algal benthos.
# Project and add polygon areas and proportion of Rock/Coral/Algal benthos to gdf
geomorphic_filtered = RBAS.spatial_analysis.set_reef_k(
geomorphic_ext, benthic_ext)
# Plot area as spatial heat map
fig_k_filtered = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
geomorphic_filtered[:, :k];
opts=Dict(:colorbar_label => "k area",
:color_map => Reverse(:lighttest))
Extract depths from bathymetry data.
# Extract depths from raster file
geomorphic_filtered, depths = RBAS.spatial_analysis.median_features_allen(
geomorphic_filtered, config_file; is_depth=true
# Plot depths
fig_depth = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
geomorphic_filtered[:, :depth_med];
opts=Dict(:colorbar_label => "Median depth",
:color_map => :lighttest)
Extract DHWs from data downloaded from NOAA's Coral Reef Watch (
# Extract broadscale NOAA DHWs
geomorphic_filtered, dhws = RBAS.spatial_analysis.noaa_dhw_means(geomorphic_filtered, config_file)
# Plot mean and std for dhws
fig_dhw_mean = RBAS.plotting.spatial_map(
geomorphic_filtered[:, :dhw_hist_mean];
opts=Dict(:colorbar_label => "Mean max dhw",
:color_map => :lighttest)
Plot other available rasters in the Allen Atlas, such as turbidity
# Allen atlas turbidity data
turb_fn = config_file["other_data"]["allen_turbid"]
# Add turbidity data from Allen Atlas
geomorphic_filtered, turbidity = RBAS.spatial_analysis.median_features_allen(
geomorphic_filtered, turb_fn; data_name=:turb_med
Suggest impact and control sites for a restoration activity
impact_site_rating = RBAS.spatial_analysis.suggest_impact_sites(geomorphic_filtered; sorted=false)
geomorphic_filtered[!, :ID] = collect(1:size(geomorphic_filtered,1))
# Suggest control sites for a particular impact site (e.g. 5)
control_site_list = RBAS.spatial_analysis.suggest_control_sites(5, geomorphic_filtered[:,Not(:geom)], [:class]; ID_COLUMN=:ID)