New or improved functionality:
- The rsync task can now handle remote connections without specifying a username
- The rsync task now creates remote directories as needed by default
- Support for PHP MD 2.*
- Various tasks now support dependencies loaded through composer
- AutoloaderTask added
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see www.phing.info) were fixed in this release:
- [1108] pdosqlexec doesn't throw exception for the non-first SQL instruction
- [1106] Add .git and associated files to defaultexcludes attribute
- [1105] PHPUnitTask: attributes 'groups' and 'excludeGroups' not documented
- [1102] Phing is not compatible with PHPMD 2.0.0 beta
- [1101] Add (optional) external deps to suggest section in composer.json
- [1100] Add composer / PHAR installation instructions to README & web pages
- [1099] Allow loading of externals through composer [meta ticket]
- [1091] Phing is not compatible with PHPUnit 4.x
- [1090] PearPackageFileSet copies files with baseinstalldir incorrectly
- [1085] Conditions section (5.8) does not correctly link to mentioned tasks
- [1084] pdepend task does not find dependencies when installed by composer
- [980] Support for .dist files
- [975] Included JSmin has non-free license
- [964] includePathTask: talk about appending/prepending