This is an awesome module, It allows Customer or Guest to submit questions and answers for the product on the product detail page.
- You can get the full version of this extension in the link
- This professional version of this extension link
- Display the form allow to submit a question and an answer on the product detail page.
- Display the list of questions and answers for the product on the product detail page
- Display the list of questions and answer on my product questions page.
- Allow setting Guests and Customers to Write Question or Answer.
- Allow setting Questions per Page on List Default Value
- Allow setting Auto approval new question and answer.
- Allow setting the Question Rules Page.
Install Product Questions extension for Magento2
- Download the extension
- Unzip the file
- Create a folder {Magento root}/app/code/PHPCuong/ProductQuestionAndAnswer
- Copy the content from the unzip folder
composer require php-cuong/magento2-product-question-and-answer
- php bin/magento module:enable PHPCuong_ProductQuestionAndAnswer
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento cache:clean
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Goto the product detail page. Administrator goto STORES -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog -> Product Questions