This project is a dashboard visualizing data about relation between fertility, population, child mortality and gdp in some regions overtime with Bokeh interactive plotting.
This is an exercise from Datacamp sourse: Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh at '' ' with some modifications, adding more Bokeh interactive models. I use this project as a way to summarize my skills after 2 months of studying Python for Data science.
- Python 3.8.0
- Jupyter Notebook 6.0.1
- bokeh 0.12.16
Run command: 'bokeh serve --show minibokeh' at directory contains minibokeh folder. This will open a a dashboard in browser at 'localhost:5006'
Give users powerful customization of using dashboard
- Change factor in x and y axis
- Simplify plot by adding or eliminating regions
- Change year of plotting
To-do list:
- Add a pie chart to represent proportion in each regions
- Add more tabs to dive into analyzing dataset
Project is: finished
- The idea comes from: '
- Structure of project and modules references '' and ''
Created by Phu Vinh Nguyen (Vinh Nguyen) - feel free to contact me!