Program that calculates the feasibility of a reaction network to being an organization.
The program consists of a main function, which receives as input the path of an sbml file. And it returns a list type file with information from the reaction network.
path of .sbml file of the reaction network
Boolean that submitted the calculation of the feasibility of being an organization
List element components:
character vector from the sbml file component id
character vector from the sbml file component idn
character vector from the sbml file component name
list of all reaction extracted form the *.sbml file with their respective reactive and product stoichiometry and components involved.
productive part of the stoichiometric matrix
reactive part of the stoichiometric matrix
components required to become an organization.
A list of sbml files proposed as organizational reaction networks can be found in the sbml folder. These networks represent the Gaia atmospheric system under different inflow scenarios.