Welcome to DevDapp! The GitHub Incentives Layer. With DevDapp you can earn tokens for contributing to our open-source! Connect your GitHub. Track Contributions. Earn RAIR + partner tokens.
Season 1 rewards are 50,000,000 RAIR + bonus partner tokens!! Season 1 starts now through May 2025. Join early to have more time to complete tasks.
Our community is where we post the important announcements first, and where you can get real- time support.
We'll update this readme less often than the Discord so please join us!
RAIRprotocol is a Dapp building engine. By completing the initial 8 tasks you'll earn tokens and learn how to deploy a working Dapp!
From there the sky is the limit to build your own Dapp. Or join a team to help them build their dapps.
- RAIR-SDK: Simple abstracted software development kit to interact with our underlying APIs
- RAIR-Dapp: Mono-repo with full underlying backend source code