Ecowiki is a mobile app deployed on Google Play Store. Uses the following technologies:
- Frontend: React Native (
- Backend: NestJS deployado en GCP (
- Base de Datos: Firebase It's a collaborative app where you can search on which container goes each different kind of products on the market. You can search by name or codebar. When a product is searched and not found, another user can add it, allowing the infinity of products to be added to the database.
Getting Started First, run the development server:
Para correrlo: yarn start hacerlo en consola de git bash asi se autentica con mi usuario y entonces te aparece en la app como projects in development
para iniciar sesion en bash expo login -u [email protected] -p [password]
si cuando ejecutas yarn start te da el siguiente error: error Invalid regular expression: /(.\fixtures\.|node_modules[\]react[\]dist[\].|website\node_modules\.|heapCapture\bundle.js|.\tests\.)$/: Unterminated character class. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
Metro Bundler process exited with code 1
Tenés que ir a aca
y reemplazar : var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\]./, /website/node_modules/./, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /./tests/./ ];
var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\]./, /website/node_modules/./, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /./tests/./ ];
(sacado de expo/expo-cli#1074 )