Uda County Puppy Adoption Database Schema is a database schema used to store puppies and shelter information. This project is written in Python, SQLAlchemy and SQLite.
This is a project for the lovely folks at Udacity, submitted for review by Rupert Ong, who is completing the Fullstack Web Developer Nanodegree.
Here's what you need to do to view this project:
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
- Within Terminal (Mac), navigate to the vagrant folder and launch the Vagrant VM by running the command
vagrant up
. - SSH into the running Vagrant machine
vagrant ssh
. - Execute
cd /vagrant
to change directory. - Run
python database_setup.py
to create database. - Run
python puppypopulator.py
to populate database. - Finally, run
python database_queries.py
to run the related queries. Be sure to comment and uncomment methods as needed.
Within the downloaded files, this is the relevant structure:
└── vagrant/
├── Vagrantfile
├── database_queries.py
├── database_setup.py
├── puppypopulator.py
└── pg_config.sh
Rupert Ong
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