bcftools call
has new options--ploidy
to make handling sample ploidy easier. See man page for details.stats
short options changed to-I
to be consistent with the filtering-i
) options used in other tools.- general
option to control the number of output compression threads used when outputting compressed VCF or BCF. cnv
: new commands for detecting CNVs, aneuploidy, and contamination from SNP genotyping data.- various new options, plugins, and bug fixes, including #84, #201, #204, #205, #208, #211, #222, #225, #242, #243, #249, #282, #285, #289, #302, #311, #318, #336, and #338.
The bcftools-1.3.tar.bz2 download is the full source code release. The “Source code” downloads are generated by GitHub and are incomplete as they are missing some generated files.