Namespace for cancan gem.
gem 'cancan_namespace'
class Ability include CanCanNamespace::Ability def initialize(user) ... if user.admin? can :manage, :all can :manage, :all, :context => :manage end end end
Context is extracted from controller name (:manage):
class Manage::PostsController < Manage::BaseController before_filter :find_post, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy] authorize_resource ... end
Set context for controller directly:
class People::RelationshipsController < Account::BaseController before_filter :find_followed before_filter :build_relation, :only => [:create] before_filter :find_relationship, :only => [:destroy] authorize_resource :relationship, :context => :account ... end
If no extra context argument is given, it defaults to the namespace where the current controller lives
# app/views/posts/show.html.erb # controller has no namespace -> context = nil <% if can? :edit, post %> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(post) %> <% end %>
When you want to check an ability for another context, specify it manually
# app/views/posts/show.html.erb <% if can? :edit, post, :context => :manage %> <%= link_to 'Edit (admin)', edit_manage_post_path(post) %> <% end %>
When the current controller is in a namespace and you want to check an ability for the ‘nil` context, meaning a controller without namespace, you need to specify `context => nil`
# app/views/manage/posts/show.html.erb # controller has namespace "manage" -> context is manually overridden to `nil` <% if can? :edit, post, :context => nil %> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(post) %> <% end %>
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