- If you need PM3 Support please use Version 4.0.5!
- PM5 Support
- Easy to use shop.yml configuration!
- Custom, Simple, Free, Active!, Updated!
- Shop Categories!
- Make Unlimited Shops! (with Permissions) the commands turns into /shop (default shop in config) and /shop so Ex. /shop vip will take you to the VIP shop or whatever ones you make. Perfect for SkyBlock and Other Minigames with rankup Systems!
- Categories
- Items
- Pictures
- Buy/Sell Prices
- Messages
- Colors of All Text
- Commands!
- Type of Amount Input (Slider, StepSlider, TextBox, Toggle)
- Enchants (Supports PiggyCustomEnchants, Vanilla Enchants)
- Make Suggestions!
Tired of restarting your server every time you need to make a small change?
- The shop.yml can be Edited without server Restart and Take effect Immediately!
- Disclaimer: If your Editor Saves as you type and someone uses the Shop it will Crash! you must make the changes and then Save them all at once!
- This plugin works with both EconomyAPI & BedrockEconomy! Make sure to change the plugin you are using in the config file!
- any issues need to be reported on the github repo in the issues section.
- We now once again offer an image index for the plugins and textures that are missing from the default PocketMine systems. https://minecraft-cdn.witherhosting.com we are hosting a live version of the default texture pack. You can use any files in the pack like /textures, /models, /map, etc... they all exist.
Made by: WitherHosting
TeamMembers: AlexPads
Website: https://witherhosting.com
You can request Images to be added in the Database by DM'ing me (AlexPads#9162)