This project demonstrates using Debezium to stream data between Oracle and YugabyteDB. Apicurio Registry is used as the schema registry to aid schema managment between the Producer and the Sink(s).
Unlike most other Docker containers, it is not possible to just download the
Oracle database. Oracle hosts their own container registry.
To pull
from this registry, you will have to create an account.
Additionally, each container may require a separate license aggreement - click "Database Repositories" and accept the terms for the "enterprise" repository (using the Continue button). Once accpepted, log to the Oracle Registry with the Docker CLI:
docker login -u <your account>
Download the container:
docker pull
NOTE: A 404
error will occur if the license wasn't accpeted in the Oracle Registry portal.
docker compose up -d
[+] Running 8/8
⠿ Network apicurio_default Created 0.2s
⠿ Container apicurio-zookeeper0-1 Healthy 6.3s
⠿ Container apicurio-oracle-db-1 Started 0.8s
⠿ Container apicurio-yugabytedb-1 Started 0.9s
⠿ Container apicurio-kafka0-1 Healthy 13.0s
⠿ Container apicurio-schemaregistry0-1 Healthy 18.8s
⠿ Container apicurio-debezium0-1 Healthy 29.6s
⠿ Container apicurio-kafka-ui-1 Started 30.2s
Confirm that the containers start up and monitor the logs:
docker compose ps
docker compose logs -f
It is recommended to keep tailing the logs as these will be useful to monitor the initialization progress and additional configuration steps.
This will start Zookeeper, Kafka, Kafka Connect, Apicurio, Kafka UI, Oracle and YugabyteDB (todo) and expose the following URLs:
The Oracle container will take a few minutes before the database will be ready. The initial starup phase will occasionally emmit progress updates but will not be ready until the logs show:
apicurio-oracle-db-1 | #########################
apicurio-oracle-db-1 | DATABASE IS READY TO USE!
apicurio-oracle-db-1 | #########################
Unfortunately, the container is not automatically configured with logminer
a vaid user account for Debezium. The provided initialization scripts will run
the appropriate configuation for Oracle, Debezium and initialize the default
schema(s) and data to start the demonstration.
This script should do everything to configure the target and source database with the demo schemas (and data for the Oracle source). The Debezium container will also be configured with the require Oracle libraries and restarted.
http POST :8083/connectors @./connectors/connector-ora-json.json
This will activate the Oracle Debezium connector using LogMiner. It may take a few minutes to fully activate and reflect with topics, connectors and data.
This connector is configured to use Apicurio's Json Converters and it's schema registry implementation. With this pattern in place the messages published do not contain the redundant schema information:
"schemaId": 4,
"payload": {
"before": null,
"after": {
"DATE_OF_BIRTH": 474595200000,
"FULL_NAME": "John Doe",
"EMAIL": "[email protected]",
"CREATED_AT": 1733327361556671,
"UPDATED_AT": 1733327361556671
"source": {
"version": "3.0.3.Final",
"connector": "oracle",
"name": "ora_pdb1_debezium",
"ts_ms": 1733328188000,
"snapshot": "first",
"db": "ORCLPDB1",
"sequence": null,
"ts_us": 1733328188000000,
"ts_ns": 1733328188000000000,
"schema": "DEBEZIUM",
"table": "CUSTOMER",
"txId": null,
"scn": "2667232",
"commit_scn": null,
"lcr_position": null,
"rs_id": null,
"ssn": 0,
"redo_thread": null,
"user_name": null,
"redo_sql": null,
"row_id": null
"transaction": null,
"op": "r",
"ts_ms": 1733328193972,
"ts_us": 1733328193972097,
"ts_ns": 1733328193972097678
A configuration of note is decimal.handling.mode
of string
. The default
behavior will encode the Oracle NUMERIC type and it is not very "human
readable". This configuration may not be desired for all use cases, but it aids
in visualizing the results during local testing.
For additional configuration options, review the Oracle Connector Properties.
Finally, deploy the YugabyteDB sink (the vanilla Debezium JDBC sink). This
connector will consume the topic ora_pdb1_debezium.DEBEZIUM.CUSTOMER
write to the public.${source.table}
(customer) table.
Ultimately the choice for which topics to consume and how to map them to their underlying tables is up to the implementation as the choices can limit the potential to scale out.
http POST :8083/connectors @./connectors/sink-ybdb-json.json
Configuration values of note:
- specifically,stringtype=unspecified
was needed to handle the decimal conversion done on the Oracle side as it makes the NUMERIC types come across as a string in the schema.
- Investigate DATE/TIME mappings as they are currently being consumed as numbers
- Add "Avaro" serization support and compare the differences