This role configures a Nethermind Ethereum execution layer node.
The Docker image used by default is nethermind/nethermind.
The only mandaotry settings is the account password, which can be set to an empty string:
nethermind_account_pass: 'my-secret-password'
Other important settings are:
nethermind_network_name: 'mainnet'
nethermind_service_name: 'nethermind-{{ nethermind_network_name }}'
nethermind_sync_mode: 'snal'
nethermind_log_level_name: 'info'
nethermind_consul_extra_tags: ['mytag']
By default we create a Consul service definition, disable it using:
nethermind_consul_enabled: false
For the rest see the defaults/main.yml
config file.
- Regular RPC endpoint appears to require JWT auth