This project is a Fullstack ecommerce project based on the opensource project medusaJS. The front-end which is the storefront is made using NextJs Framework together with the React Library hosted on vercel. The Backend however is hosted on GCP together with a Postgres DB.
Clone the monorepository consisting of backend and frontend
Download Postgres locally and install
Set the mondocta .env variables for
- DATABASE_TYPE=postgres
- DATABASE_URL= your local postgres url
- STORE_CORS=http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:7001
Set the mondocta-storefront .env variables for
- NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8000
- NEXT_PUBLIC_MEDUSA_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:9000
- POSTGRES_URL=your local postgres address
install medusa CLI package
npm i @medusajs/medusa-cli
npx medusa seed
in the terminal in Mondocta(Backend) direectory to seed the database -
Run the backend
npm dev
Navigate to the storefront (mondocta-storefront) and run it as well using
npm dev