These dotfiles are now abandoned as I have now moved from swayfx to Hyprland, these are just as a backup, in case I rm -rf
my .config
Dotfiles for my sway workflow
There's a few steps involved in the installation process:
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/the-fuckin-nobody/dotfiles-swayfx ~/
Install the following packages from the arch repo: (Assuming, you are using Arch Linux)
- foot (An awesome terminal emulator by dnkl that supports rendering images using sixel)
- waybar (A heavily customizable status bar for wayland)
- fish (A smart and user-friendly command line shell for Linux, macOS, and the rest of the family.)
- starship (The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! )
- neovim (Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor configurable through lua.)
- dunst (A highly customizable yet lighweight notification daemon.)
- kvantum (Useful for styling qt applications.)
- qt5ct (Applying themes for qt5 applications.)
- qt6ct (Applying themes for qt6 applications.)
- swayimg (A lightweight image viewer for wayland.)
- jq (A Command-line JSON processor)
- slurp (Select a region in a Wayland Compositor)
- pacman-contrib (Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems.)
- ttf-iosevkaterm-nerd
- ttf-fantasque-nerd
- wl-clipboard (Provides commands like
) - rofi-emoji (Emoji selection via rofi)
- dolphin (A super extensible and powerful file manager by KDE)
- ark (File archiver by KDE)
- [****]
Alternatively you can use the following command to install all of the above packages:
sudo pacman -Syyu foot waybar fish starship neovim dunst kvantum qt5ct qt6ct swayimg slurp pacman-contrib jq ttf-iosevkaterm-nerd ttf-fantasque-nerd rofi-emoji wl-clipboard dolhin
Install the following packages from the AUR, manually or from your favourite AUR helper like paru:
- swayfx-git (Sway, but with eye candy!)
- hyprpicker-git (A color picker utility for Hyprland and other wlroots based compositors.)
- rofi-lbonn-wayland-git (A Rofi fork with native wayland support.)
- swaylock-effects-imporved-git (A fancier screen locker for Wayland.)
- wayshot (A Screenshot utility for wl-roots based compositors written in Rust.)
- sddm-git (A QML based display manager for X11 and Wayland.)
- ttf-apple-emoji (Apple Color Emoji's)
If you are using
, you can run the following command in your terminal to install all of the above packages:paru -Syyu swayfx-git swaylock-effects-improved-git rofi-lbonn-wayland-git hyprpicker-git wayshot sddm-git ttf-apple-emoji
Now copy all the files in the
folder to the~/.config/
folder:cd ~/dotfiles-swayfx/ cp -r * ~/.config/
Note: Be sure to create a backup of the following folders in your config file before running the above command:
nvim foot dunst rofi Kvantum sway swaylock zathura
Copy all the files in the
folder to the~/.local/bin/
folder:mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/ cd ~/dotfiles-swayfx/ cp -r bin/* ~/.local/bin
Copy all the files in the
folder to the~/.local/share/
folder:mkdir -p ~/.local/share/themes/ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/wallpapers/ cd ~/dotfiles-swayfx/ cp -r share/icons/* ~/.local/share/icons/ cp -r share/themes/* ~/.local/share/themes/ cp -r share/wallpapers/* ~/.local/share/wallpapers
Install the sddm theme:
cd ~/dotfiles-swayfx/ sudo cp -r sddm/kanagawa /usr/share/sddm/themes/ sudo cp sddm/sddm.conf /etc/
Copy the
file to the/etc
folder:cd ~/dotfiles-swayfx sudo cp environment /etc/environment
+ SUPER+SHIFT+R -> reload sway
+ SUPER+SHIFT+E -> exit sway
+ SUPER+q -> close/kill the current window
+ SUPER+f -> fullscreen the current window
+ SUPER+[1-8] -> switch to workspaces[1-8]
+ SUPER+SHIFT+[1-8] -> move current window to workspaces[1-8]
- The themes for QT applications won't apply by themselves, Following are the steps to do so:
- Open qt5ct/qt6ct from terminal or rofi
- Change the style to Kvantum
- Change the font if you want to
- Open kvantummanager, then apply the Kanagawa theme from the dropdown menu
- Close all the QT apps and reopen them
I have just included a single wallpaper here, to keep the size of the repo as minimal as possible. So if you need more wallpapers, check out this repository
The setup must now be completed! Just give your system a reboot :-)
I cannot gaurantee if it'll work perfectly for you. So feel free to raise issue if you encounter one, I'll be more than happy to help!