A collection of ESLint configurations for different types of projects.
To use this configuration, it's highly recommended to include Biome as part of your linter tool for optimal results.
npm install --save-dev @qingshaner/eslint-config
// eslint.config.mjs
import { resolve } from 'node:path'
import { presetESLintConfig } from '@qingshaner/eslint-config'
const ROOT = import.meta.dirname // this require Node.js 20+
// Node.js < 20
// const ROOT = new URL('.', import.meta.url).pathname
export default presetESLintConfig({
a11y: true,
biome: true,
ignores: [resolve(ROOT, '.gitignore')],
jsonc: true,
perfectionist: true,
prettier: true,
typescript: [ROOT],
vue: true
Also provide a optional Biome configuration.
// biome.json
"$schema": "node_modules/@biomejs/biome/configuration_schema.json",
"extends": ["@qingshaner/eslint-config/biome"],
"files": {
"ignoreUnknown": true
"javascript": {
"jsxRuntime": "transparent"
Include plugins
Disable Biome
has implemented rules.
, react-plugin-react-hooks
is replaced by Biome.
JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS is formatted by Biome.
is used to sort package.json
is used to sort *.tsconfig.json
Include plugins
Sort import statements, sort object properties.
Include plugins
Format code with Prettier
, if the file can't be formatted by Biome
, it will be formatted by Prettier
Incude plugins
For React
Include plugins
For TypeScript
Include plugins
Include plugins
For Vue2
| Vue3
Include plugins
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