A ASP.NET Core service / middleware to resize your images on the fly as alternative for thumbor.
Demo: imagewizard.net
- loader:
- Http (streaming mode)
- File (use IFileProvider)
- YouTube (get thumbnail)
- Gravatar
- OpenGraph
- caches:
- File
- Distributed cache
- MongoDB
- image filters: resize, crop, rotate,..
- common image effects like grayscale and blur are available
- create your custom data filter
- pdf filters: page-to-image for documents
- url is protected by a HMACSHA256 signature to prevent DDoS attacks
- can handle the device pixel ratio (DPR)
- support for cache control and ETag
- enable range processing by http request
- use RecyclableMemoryStream for smarter memory management (IStreamPool)
- cleanup service
Description | Url segment |
base path | "image" |
signature based on HMACSHA256 | "cGiAwFYGYWx0SzO0YyCidWIfkdlUYrVgBwbm7bcTOjE" or "unsafe" (if enabled) |
any filters | "resize(200,200)/grayscale()/jpg(90)" |
loader type | "fetch" |
loader source | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Europe_topography_map.png |
Name | Description | NuGet |
File cache | Meta and blob file path based on cache id. | |
Distributed cache | MS SQL, Redis | |
MongoDB cache | Use GridFS |
services.AddImageWizard(options =>
options.AllowUnsafeUrl = true;
options.AllowedDPR = new double[] { 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
options.Key = new byte[64] { .. };
options.UseETag = true;
options.CacheControl.IsEnabled = true;
options.CacheControl.MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(365);
options.CacheControl.MustRevalidate = false;
options.CacheControl.Public = true;
options.CacheControl.NoCache = false;
options.CacheControl.NoStore = false;
//select automatically the compatible mime type by request header
options.UseAcceptHeader = true;
options.RefreshLastAccessInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
options.FallbackHandler = (state, url, cachedData) =>
//use the existing cached data if available?
if (cachedData != null)
return cachedData;
//load fallback image
FileInfo fallbackImage = state switch
LoaderResultState.NotFound => new FileInfo(@"notfound.jpg"),
LoaderResultState.Failed => new FileInfo(@"failed.jpg"),
_ => throw new Exception()
if (fallbackImage.Exists == false)
return null;
//convert FileInfo to CachedData
return fallbackImage.ToCachedData();
//registers ImageSharp pipeline for specified mime types
.AddImageSharp(c => c
.WithMimeTypes(MimeTypes.WebP, MimeTypes.Jpeg, MimeTypes.Png, MimeTypes.Gif)
.WithOptions(x =>
x.ImageMaxHeight = 4000;
x.ImageMaxWidth = 4000;
//Adds your custom filters
//Executes custom action before the pipeline is started.
.WithPreProcessing(x =>
x.Image.Mutate(m => m.AutoOrient());
//Executes custom action after the pipeline is finished.
.WithPostProcessing(x =>
//blurs all images
x.Image.Mutate(m => m.Blur());
//overrides target format (Jpeg to WebP)
if (x.ImageFormat is JpegFormat)
x.ImageFormat = new WebPFormat() { Lossless = false };
//overrides target format (Png to WebP)
else if (x.ImageFormat is PngFormat)
x.ImageFormat = new WebPFormat() { Lossless = true };
//overrides metadata
x.Image.Metadata.ExifProfile = new ExifProfile();
x.Image.Metadata.ExifProfile.SetValue(ExifTag.Copyright, "ImageWizard");
//uses file cache (relative or absolute path)
.SetFileCache(options => options.Folder = "FileCache")
//or MongoDB cache
.SetMongoDBCache(options => options.Hostname = "localhost")
//or distributed cache
//adds some loaders
.AddFileLoader(options => options.Folder = "FileStorage")
.AddHttpLoader(options =>
//checks every time for a new version of the original image.
options.RefreshMode = LoaderRefreshMode.EveryTime;
//sets base url for relative urls
options.DefaultBaseUrl = "https://mydomain";
//allows only relative urls
//(use base url from request or DefaultBaseUrl from options)
options.AllowAbsoluteUrls = false;
//allows only specified hosts
options.AllowedHosts = new [] { "mydomain" };
//adds custom http header like apikey to prevent
//that user can download the original image
options.SetHeader("ApiKey", "123456");
//Adds a background service which removes cached data based on defined CleanupReason.
//The cache needs to implements ICleanupCache.
.AddCleanupService(x =>
//Duration between the cleanup actions. (Default: 1 day)
x.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
//Removes cached data which are older than defined duration.
//Removes cached data which are last used since defined duration.
//Removes cached data which are expired (based on the loader result).
//default path ("/image")
//use middleware
app.UseImageWizard(x =>
//default path ("/analytics")
//or use endpoint
app.Endpoints(e => e.MapImageWizard("/image"));
- ICacheKey
- ICacheHash
- ICacheLock
- IUrlSignature
- IStreamPool
- add ImageWizard.Generator package to project
- add a public method which is marked with the filter attribute
- at url level are the following types possible for method overloading:
- integer ("0")
- floating-point number ("0.0")
- bool ("True" or "False")
- enum (value)
- string ('Hello')
- at url level are the following types possible for method overloading:
public partial class BackgroundColorFilter : ImageSharpFilter
//use dependency injection
public BackgroundColorFilter(ILogger<BackgroundColorFilter> logger)
public void BackgroundColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)
Context.Image.Mutate(m => m.BackgroundColor(new Rgba32(r, g, b)));
public void BackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b)
Context.Image.Mutate(m => m.BackgroundColor(new Rgba32(r, g, b)));
The source generator creates the following code:
public partial class BackgroundColorFilter : IFilterFactory
public static IEnumerable<IFilterAction> Create()
return [
new FilterAction<BackgroundColorFilter>("backgroundcolor", new Regex(@"^\((?<r>-?\d+),(?<g>-?\d+),(?<b>-?\d+)\)$"), (filter, group) => { byte r = byte.Parse(group["r"].ValueSpan, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);byte g = byte.Parse(group["g"].ValueSpan, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);byte b = byte.Parse(group["b"].ValueSpan, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);filter.BackgroundColor(r,g,b); }),
new FilterAction<BackgroundColorFilter>("backgroundcolor", new Regex(@"^\((?<r>-?\d+\.\d+),(?<g>-?\d+\.\d+),(?<b>-?\d+\.\d+)\)$"), (filter, group) => { float r = float.Parse(group["r"].ValueSpan, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);float g = float.Parse(group["g"].ValueSpan, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);float b = float.Parse(group["b"].ValueSpan, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);filter.BackgroundColor(r,g,b); }),
Register filter:
.AddImageSharp(c => c.WithFilter<BackgroundColorFilter>());
URL segments:
- use dpr filter to set the value or enable the client hints
- all parameter with DPR attribute will be multiplied by the DPR factor
public class ResizeFilter : ImageSharpFilter
public void Resize([DPR]int width, [DPR]int height)
Context.Image.Mutate(m => m.Resize(width, height));
URL segment:
"/dpr(2.0)/resize(200,100)/" //calls resize filter with the resolution 400 x 200
"/resize(200,100)/" + client hints
Response header:
Content-DPR: 2
- use rather method overloading if possible
- if all parameter have default values you can set all parameters by name
public class TextFilter : ImageSharpFilter
public void DrawText(int x = 0, int y = 0, string text = "", int size = 12, string font = "Arial")
Context.Image.Mutate(m =>
new Font(SystemFonts.Find(font), size),
new PointF(x, y));
URL segment:
Add settings to the appsettings.json
"ImageWizard": {
"BaseUrl": "https://<your-domain>/image",
"Enabled": true
Register settings to services
services.AddImageWizardClient(options =>
options.BaseUrl = "https://<your-domain>/image";
options.Key = "..";
options.Enabled = true;
options.UseUnsafeUrl = false;
Create url with fluent api
//use HTTP loader
//fetch local file from wwwroot folder (with fingerprint)
//or file loader
//or azure
Use dependency injection
@IImageWizardUrlBuilder UrlBuilder
<img src="@UrlBuilder.FetchLocalFile("picture.jpg").AsImage().Resize(400, 200, ResizeMode.Max).Grayscale().BuildUrl()" />
Use IUrlHelper
<img src="@Url.ImageWizard().FetchLocalFile("picture.jpg").AsImage().Resize(400, 200, ResizeMode.Max).Grayscale().BuildUrl()" />
- resize(size)
- resize(width,height)
- resize(width,height,mode)
- mode: min, max, crop, pad, stretch
- resize(width,height,mode,anchor)
- anchor: center, top, bottom, left, right, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright
- crop(width,height)
- int for absolute values, 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
- crop(x,y,width,height)
- int for absolute values, 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
- backgroundcolor(r,g,b)
- int (0 to 255) or float (0.0 to 1.0)
- backgroundcolor(r,g,b,a)
- int (0 to 255) or float (0.0 to 1.0)
- flip(type)
- type: horizontal, vertical
- rotate(value)
- value: 90, 180 or 270
- grayscale()
- grayscale(amount)
- amount: 0.0 to 1.0
- blackwhite()
- blur()
- invert()
- brightness(value)
- contrast(value)
- autoorient()
- drawtext(text='Hello',size=24,x=0.5,y=0.5)
- string: raw ('Hello') or base64url (SGVsbG8)
- jpg()
- jpg(quality)
- png()
- gif()
- tga()
- bmp()
- webp()
- webp(quality)
- dpr(value) //set allowed device pixel ratio
- resize(width,height)
- resize(width,height,mode)
- mode: min, max, crop, pad, stretch
- crop(width,height)
- 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
- crop(x,y,width,height)
- 0.0 to 1.0 for relative values
- flip(type)
- type: horizontal, vertical
- rotate(value)
- value: 0.0 to 360.0
- grayscale()
- blur()
- blur(radius)
- drawtext(text='Hello',size=24,x=0.5,y=0.5)
- string: raw ('Hello') or base64url (SGVsbG8)
- jpg()
- jpg(quality)
- png()
- gif()
- bmp()
- webp()
- pagetoimage(pageindex)
- pagetoimage(pageindex,width,height)
- subpages(pageFromIndex, pageToIndex)
- removesize()
- blur()
- blur(deviation)
- value: float
- rotate(angle)
- value: float
Useful to resize imagefields.
<img src="@Url.ImageWizard().Fetch(Model.Body).Resize(900,900).Grayscale().Blur().BuildUrl()">
image: usercode/imagewizard
container_name: imagewizard
restart: always
- default
- file_cache:/data
- General__AllowUnsafeUrl=false
- General__UseAcceptHeader=false
- General__UseETag=true
- General__AllowedDPR__0=1.0
- General__AllowedDPR__1=1.5
- General__AllowedDPR__2=2.0
- General__AllowedDPR__3=3.0
- General__CacheControl__IsEnabled=true
- General__CacheControl__Public=true
- General__CacheControl__MaxAge=60
- General__CacheControl__MustRevalidate=false
- General__CacheControl__NoCache=false
- General__CacheControl__NoStore=false
- FileCache__Folder=/cache
- FileLoader__Folder=/data
- HttpLoader__DefaultBaseUrl=https://domain.tld
- HttpLoader__AllowAbsoluteUrls=false
- HttpLoader__AllowedHosts__0=domain.tld
- HttpLoader__Headers__0__Name=ApiKey
- HttpLoader__Headers__0__Value=123