A simple plugin that just records a stream of coordinates to a .gpx file in the user-defined directory.
- record points at a specified time interval or as coordinates arrive
- recording points at a specified distance
- creating a new segment when the position is lost during the specified time
- one log for the whole trip or a separate log every day
- store depth as Garmin extension
- server reboot resistance
Check and uncheck checkbox "Write log" on plugin configuration page in "Plugin Config" menu of SignalK web admin.
The GaladrielMap can show a recordable file and has a switch in the interface to control the log recording.
The naiveGPXlogger creates a navigation.trip.logging path in the SignalK data model. The value by this path is:
"status": boolean,
"logFile": "full/log/file/name"
where "status" is the state of the record: is on or off; and "logFile" - full name of log file in server file system.
In order to enable logging, the client application must send a delta message for this path with "status": true
If at the same time the "logFile" will contain a directory path (with trailing slash) - the log will be recorded in this directory.
The log recording is stopped by sending a delta message with "status": false
The basic example is in the sample.html
Use SignalK web admin interface to install plugin from SignalK Appstore as naivegpxlogger.
Restart SignalK,
Use Server -> Plugin Config menu to start plugin and configure parameters.
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