A skeleton repository that considerably simplifies setting up a multihost project with a VirtualBox Virtual Machine development environment powered by Vagrant and different provisioners like File, Shell and Ansible.
Advantages include:
- It works on Linux, MacOS and Windows (that is normally unsupported by Ansible)
- If you're running it under Cygwin, a Linux environment is assumed
- You don't need to edit the
. All configuration information is stored in a single YAML file with different document sections, eg. hosts and Ansible role requirements plus Ansible playbook instructions.
Setting up a multi-VM Vagrant environment with Ansible provisioning becomes almost trivial.
The Vagrant Ansible provisioning process can run in either:
ansible mode (on Unix/Cygwin/MacOS Vagrant host)
The Vagrant Ansible provisioner allows you to provision the guest(s) using Ansible playbooks by executing
from the Vagrant host.
ansible_local mode (on Windows Vagrant host)
The Vagrant Ansible Local provisioner allows you to provision the guest(s) using Ansible playbooks by executing
directly on the guest machine.
If your management node is Windows, make sure you have installed recent versions of
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Git - if you want to clone this project
If you're using Cygwin installed on your management node under Windows, you'll find a complete setup and installation guide (and more) at
DevOps: Setup and Running Everything under Cygwin on Windows.
If your management node is Unix, make sure you have additionally installed recent versions of
Go to a directory of your choice and enter
git clone https://github.com/vzell/vagrant-multihost-provisioning.git my-project
cd my-project
After cloning this repository there is a single configuration file vagrant-conf.yml
which should be adjusted for your
project. The file has different document sections which drives the installation, configuration and provisioning process
of the virtual machines.
After having done the adjustments you can startup and provision your whole VM environment with a simple
vagrant up
or you could just build your VM environment with
vagrant up --no-provision
and optionally provison it later with
vagrant provision
The vagrant-conf.yml
file consists of seven YAML document sections, 5 YAML dicts and 2 YAML lists, which are empty by
default (which means they ALL use sensible defaults). You probably only need to change section (1) and (2) when
configuring a multihost scenario and (3-5) in case you're using the Ansible provisioner. Sections (6) and (7) are
optional and only used for advanced use cases with Ansible.
--- # (1) Global parameters for all VMs to be created by Vagrant
--- # (2) List of virtual machines to be created by Vagrant
--- # (3) Ansible inventory groupings to be appended to autogenerated Ansible inventory files
--- # (4) List of required roles for installation with `ansible-galaxy` for Ansible provisioning
--- # (5) Ansible playbook(s)
--- # (6) Requirements for `pip install` (optional)
--- # (7) Ansible configuration files (optional)
To give you an idea of how this works lets look at a couple of simple configurations:
The default configuration above will result in a single VirtualBox VM running CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) (downloaded from the HashiCorp Cloud) with 1 virtual CPU, 1 GB of memory, a SATA storage adapter with a thin provisoned disk of 20 GB attached to SATA port 0 and the VirtualBox guest additions preinstalled. The VM has access to the internet via a NAT network adapter. There is no provisioning taking place.
An example of a trivial multihost VM setup follows. In this case the VMs will be setup with a VirtualBox Host-Only network adapter given the specified IPs. SSH setup between the nodes is available.
NOTE that in the case of a multihost setup you need to specify the Ansible controlhost (whatever you name it) as the
LAST ONE in the list of VMs if you want to provision with Ansible in ansible_local mode AND the controlhost
attribute MUST be set to true
--- # (1) Global parameters for all VMs to be created by Vagrant
box: vzell/packer-ol76
box_url: https://volkerzell.de/vagrant/packer-ol76-0.9.0.box
box_check_update: false
vm_memory: 2048
vm_cpus: 2
- { rtcuseutc: "on" }
- { ioapic: "on" }
- { groups: "/Simple Cluster" }
--- # (2) List of virtual machines to be created by Vagrant
- vm_name: node1
- ip:
- vm_name: node2
- ip:
- vm_name: ansiblehost # The Ansible control VM MUST be the last list entry in multihost environments
controlhost: true # AND `controlhost` MUST be set to `true` for `ansible_local` provisioning mode
box: centos/7
- ip:
vm_memory: 1024
vm_cpus: 1
- { name: "Controlhost" }
- { groups: "/Simple Cluster" }
--- # (3) Ansible inventory groupings to be appended to autogenerated Ansible inventory files
groupings: |
--- # (4) List of required roles for installation with `ansible-galaxy` for Ansible provisioning
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/yum.git
name: vzell.yum
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/dotfiles.git
name: vzell.dotfiles
--- # (5) Ansible playbook(s)
site.yml: |
- hosts: nodes
become: true
- { role: vzell.yum, tags: vzell.yum }
- { role: vzell.dotfiles, tags: vzell.dotfiles }
The below example is for an ELK stack provisioning on a single node.
--- # (1) Global parameters for all VMs to be created by Vagrant
box: vzell/packer-ol76
box_url: https://volkerzell.de/vagrant/packer-ol76-0.9.0.box
box_check_update: false
vm_memory: 8192
vm_cpus: 2
- { vram: "128" }
- { rtcuseutc: "on" }
- { ioapic: "on" }
- { accelerate3d: "on" }
- { groups: "/ELK" }
- { clipboard: bidirectional }
domain: oc.de
--- # (2) List of virtual machines to be created by Vagrant
- vm_name: elk
- ip:
--- # (3) Ansible inventory groupings to be appended to autogenerated Ansible inventory files
--- # (4) List of required roles for installation with `ansible-galaxy` for Ansible provisioning
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/yum.git
name: vzell.yum
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/dotfiles.git
name: vzell.dotfiles
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/ansible-role-java-gg.git
name: vzell.ansible-role-java
- src: geerlingguy.elasticsearch
- src: geerlingguy.logstash
- src: geerlingguy.filebeat
- src: geerlingguy.kibana
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/ansible-role-firewalld.git
name: vzell.ansible-role-firewalld
version: development
--- # (5) Ansible playbook(s)
site.yml: |
- hosts: elk
become: true
- { role: vzell.yum, tags: vzell.yum }
- { role: vzell.dotfiles, tags: vzell.dotfiles }
- role: vzell.ansible-role-java
tags: java
- role: geerlingguy.elasticsearch
elasticsearch_network_host: ""
tags: elasticsearch
- role: geerlingguy.logstash
tags: logstash
- role: geerlingguy.filebeat
tags: filebeat
- role: geerlingguy.kibana
kibana_server_host: ""
tags: kibana
- role: vzell.ansible-role-firewalld
- { port: "5601/tcp", permanent: true, state: "enabled"}
- { port: "9200/tcp", permanent: true, state: "enabled"}
tags: firewalld
The first YAML document section
specifies global parameters for all the nodes that are controlled by Vagrant.
# Empty YAML mapping/hash: comment THIS one when you uncomment at least ONE other global option
# If true, Vagrant will show project specific verbose output
# Defaults to `false`.
# Vagrant user.
# Defaults to `vagrant`.
# Vagrant provisioning support
# If true, run the File provisioner during Vagrant provisioning.
# Defaults to `true`.
# If true, run the Shell provisioner during Vagrant provisioning.
# Defaults to `true`.
# If true, run the Ansible provisioner during Vagrant provisioning.
# Defaults to `true`.
# Vagrant SSH specific options
# If true, X11 forwarding over SSH connections is enabled.
# Defaults to `true`.
SSH_FORWARD_X11: false
# Overwrite host locale in SSH session. Usually, host locale environment variables are passed to the guest.
# It may cause failures if the guest software do not support host locale. Set default LC_ALL for all boxes.
# Defaults to `en_US.UTF-8`.
LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8"
# Ansible provisioner specific options
# There are two provisioners for Ansible which Vagrant can use:
# - Ansible Local Provisioner: ansible_local
# The Vagrant Ansible Local provisioner allows you to provision the guest(s) using
# Ansible playbooks by executing `ansible-playbook` directly on the controller guest machine.
# - Ansible Provisioner: ansible
# The Vagrant Ansible provisioner allows you to provision the guest(s) using
# Ansible playbooks by executing `ansible-playbook` from the Vagrant host.
# Setup Requirements
# o Install Ansible on your Vagrant host (also installable on the Cygwin platform).
# o Your Vagrant host should ideally provide a recent version of OpenSSH that supports ControlPersist.
# The Vagrantfile will try to autodetect the provisioner to use. When running under Cygwin, a Unix system is assumed
# and the `ansible` provisioner will be selected whereas under native Windows it uses the `ansible_local` provisioner
# by default.
# When setting FORCE_LOCAL_RUN to `true`, Ansible will be forced to run locally on the controller
# guest machine (controller VM) instead of from the Vagrant host machine (provided Ansible is installed).
# Defaults to `false`.
# Try to automatically install Ansible on the guest system.
# Vagrant will try to install (or upgrade) Ansible when one of these conditions are met:
# - Ansible is not installed (or cannot be found).
# - The version option ANSIBLE_VERSION below is set to `latest`.
# - The current Ansible version does not correspond to the version option.
# You could switch off this setting if you know that your Vagrant box has
# preinstalled the right Ansible version for your usage.
# Defaults to `true`.
# How to automatically install Ansible on the guest system
# The default value of ANSIBLE_INSTALL_MODE is `default`, and any invalid
# value for this option will silently fall back to the default value.
# default: Ansible is installed from the operating system package manager.
# This mode doesn't support version selection.
# pip: Ansible is installed from PyPI with pip package installer.
# With this mode, Vagrant will systematically try to install the latest pip version.
# With the `pip` mode you can optionally install a specific Ansible release by setting
# the version option ANSIBLE_VERSION below.
# pip_args_only: This mode is very similar to the `pip` mode, with the difference that in this
# case no pip arguments will be automatically set by Vagrant. You can use the parameter
# ANSIBLE_PIP_ARGS (see below) to specifiy the exact arguments to use.
# Defaults to `default`.
# For the `ansible` provisioner the expected Ansible version. This option is disabled by default.
# - When an Ansible version is defined (e.g. ``), the Ansible provisioner will be
# executed only if Ansible is installed at the requested version.
# - When this option is set to `latest`, no version check is applied.
# With the `ansible_local` provisioner, it is currently possible to use this option to
# specify which version of Ansible must be automatically installed, but only in combination
# with the ANSIBLE_INSTALL_MODE set to `pip`.
# To install a specific Ansible release uncomment the following line when running with `ansible_local`.
# Defaults to `latest`.
# When Ansible is installed via `pip`, this option allows the definition of additional pip
# arguments to be passed along on the command line (for example, `--index-url`). In case
# you want to specify the packages which `pip` should install in a requirements file
# (see https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#requirements-file-format)
# use `-r /vagrant/.requirements.txt` as this filename is currently hardcoded in the Vagrantfile.
# See also section "(6) - Requirements for pip install"
# Defaults to `nil`.
ANSIBLE_PIP_ARGS: "-r /vagrant/.requirements.txt"
# Should `ansible-galaxy` overwrite roles after initial download and rerunning of the Ansible provisioner.
# Defaults to `true`.
# Ansible's verbosity to obtain detailed logging (false/true/vvv/vvvv)
# Defaults to `false`.
# A list of additional ansible-playbook arguments (array of strings).
# It is an unsafe wildcard that can be used to apply Ansible options that are not (yet)
# supported by this Vagrant provisioner. As of Vagrant 1.7, raw_arguments has the highest
# priority and its values can potentially override or break other Vagrant settings.
# Defaults to `nil`.
ANSIBLE_RAW_ARGS: ['--timeout=120']
# Perform all the Ansible playbook tasks as another user, different from the user used to log into the guest system.
# Defaults to `true`.
# Set the default username to be used by the Ansible become privilege escalation mechanism.
# Defaults to `root`.
# Name of the Ansible playbook. The actual playbook will be generated in the ansible subfolder
# of the project with this name prefixed by `.vagrant-`
# Defaults to `site.yml`.
# Set of machines or groups from the inventory file to further control which hosts are affected.
# Defaults to `all`.
# The path of a file containing the password used by Ansible Vault.
# Defaults to `nil`.
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE: vault_password_file
# Only plays, roles and tasks tagged with these values will be executed by `ansible-playbook`
# A comma separated tag list can be provided
#ANSIBLE_TAGS: vzell.yum,dotconfigfiles
# Only plays, roles and tasks that do not match these values will be executed by `ansible-playbook`
# A comma separated tag list can be provided
# The task name where the `ansible-playbook` execution will start
# This does not currently work when task names have blanks in their name on Cygwin systems
#ANSIBLE_START_AT_TASK: "Add firewalld rules for services from vars"
# Plugin installation and configuration options
# Vagrant Proxy Plugin installation and configuration
# Defaults to `false`.
# Vagrant Hostmanager Plugin installation and configuration
# Defaults to `true`.
# To update the host's hosts file
# Defaults to `false`.
# A machine's IP address is defined by either the static IP for a private network configuration
# or by the SSH host configuration.
# Defaults to `false`.
# Vagrant Disksize Plugin Configuration - https://github.com/sprotheroe/vagrant-disksize
# Defaults to `false`.
# os_disk:
# When using the Vagrant disksize-plugin the disksize in GB to which the first disk (OS) should be increased.
# Defaults to `40`.
os_size: 60
# VirtualBox NAT service functionality
# When enabled a Vagrant generated VirtualBox HostAdapter network based topology will be switched to a
# NON Vagrant VirtualBox NAT service adapter based network topology. This could be useful for example when
# creating an OpenShift (OKD) based environment where just a single network adapter per host is supported.
# Defaults to `false`.
# The name of the NAT service adapter in VirtualBox which will be created when enabling USE_NATSERVICE.
# Defaults to `my-natnetwork`.
natnetwork_name: "k8s-network"
# HashiCorp Packer Vagrant Builder functionality
# You can use HashiCorp Packer from https://www.packer.io/ (needs to be
# downloaded and in the PATH) to build new boxes from already-existing boxes and
# use the generated box at file://./boxes/package.box as the base image for your nodes.
# Defaults to `false`.
# Vagrant trigger functionality
# AFTER UP Guest 'only-on first node in nodelist' action trigger
# Defaults to `false`.
# Script to execute by Vagrant AFTER UP trigger
# Defaults to `./setupOKD.sh`.
after_up_script: "./scripts/myAfterUpTrigger.sh"
# VM default options
# This configures what box Packer will use to provision and create a new box. The value here should be the
# shorthand name of a box in HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud.
# Defaults to `centos/7`.
packer_box: generic/ubuntu1810
# This configures what box the machine will be brought up against. The value here should be the name of
# an installed box or a shorthand name of a box in HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud.
# Defaults to `centos/7`.
box: vzell/packer-ol76
# The URL that the configured box can be found at. If the above `box` is a shorthand to a box in HashiCorp's
# Vagrant Cloud then this value does not need to be specified. Otherwise, it should point to the proper place
# where the box can be found if it is not installed. This can also be an array of multiple URLs.
# The URLs will be tried in order.
# The URLs can also be local files by using the `file://` scheme.
# In order to serve multiple versions of a vagrant box and enable update notifications a box catalog can be setup and referenced.
# This catalog is written in JSON code to a single file. See also https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/boxes/format.html for the format.
# On Windows systems the following syntax needs to be used for the `file://` scheme,
# either inside the JSON file for the `url` parameter or when referenced with `box_url`:
# file:////D:/misc/vagrant/boxes/ol77.json - when referencing with absolute pathnames
# file://./boxes/ol77.json - when referencing with relative pathnames to the project directory
# Instead of a JSON metafile a reference to the box file can be given directly:
# file:////D:/misc/vagrant/boxes/ol77.box - when referencing with absolute pathnames
# file://./boxes/ol77.box - when referencing with relative pathnames to the project directory
# Defaults to use the Vagrant Cloud - https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search
box_url: https://volkerzell.de/vagrant/ol/7.6/ol76.json
# The version of the box to use. This can contain an arbitrary list of constraints, separated by commas,
# such as: >= 1.0, < 1.5. When constraints are given, Vagrant will use the latest available box satisfying these constraints.
# Defaults to `>= 0` (the latest version available).
box_version: "1811.02"
# If true, Vagrant will check for updates to the configured box on every vagrant up.
# If an update is found, Vagrant will tell the user. Updates will only be checked for boxes that properly
# support updates (boxes from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud or some other versioned box).
# Defaults to `true`.
box_check_update: false
# If true, Vagrant will not load the the settings found inside a boxes Vagrantfile, if present.
# Defaults to `false`.
box_vagrantfile_ignore: true
# VM groups enable the user to create ad hoc groups of VMs, and to manage and perform functions
# on them collectively, as well as individually. A VM can be part of one or multiple groups (separated by `,`).
# Groups can also be nested having a group hierarchy. A groupname must start with a `/`, nested groups look like
# Unix directory strutures.
# Defaults to `<Name of your project directory>`.
vm_groups: "/Test Group,/Test Group1/Test Group2"
# Sets the base directory for virtual disks. Use forward slashes '/'.
# Defaults to `./.virtualbox/`.
vm_basedir: "C:/vm/virtualbox"
# VirtualBox machines are started in headless mode, meaning there is no UI for the machines visible on the host machine.
# Common use cases for wanting a UI include wanting to see a browser that may be running in the machine, or debugging a strange boot issue.
# NOTE: When running under WSL this option doesn't allow to SSH into the box, so it will be ignored when set.
# Defaults to `false`.
vm_gui: true
# Vagrant by default will make "smart" decisions to enable/disable the NAT DNS proxy.
# If this is set to `false`, then the DNS proxy will not be enabled, and it is up to the end user to do it.
# Defaults to `true`.
vm_auto_nat_dns_proxy: false
# Sets the amount of RAM, in MB, that the virtual machine should allocate for itself from the host.
# Defaults to `1024`
vm_memory: 2048
# Sets the number of virtual CPUs for the virtual machine.
# Defaults to `1`
vm_cpus: 2
# Domainname of created hosts.
# Defaults to `nil`.
domain: oc.de
# Whether to check the correct VirtualBox guest additions version on each start (where start is not resuming a box).
# Defaults to `true`.
vb_guest_auto_update: false
# By default Ansible expects python 2.x installed on the Ansible host. This is useful for systems with more than one
# Python installed or not located at /usr/bin/python such as *BSD, or where /usr/bin/python is not a 2.x series Python.
# Defaults to `nil`.
python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3"
# VBoxManage Customizations. VBoxManage is a utility that can be used to make modifications to VirtualBox virtual machines from the command line.
# Vagrant exposes a way to call any command against VBoxManage just prior to booting the machine.
# When specifying option names leave out the "--" prefix from the option names found at https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/UserManual.html#vboxmanage-modifyvm
# Values MUST be enclosed in quotes.
# Defaults to `nil`.
- { vram: "128" }
- { rtcuseutc: "on" }
- { ioapic: "on" }
# Specifies the name of the storage controller, in case we want to add additional virtual disks to the VM. The
# controller name MUST start with either `SATA`, `SCSI` or `IDE`. In case of SATA most of the boxes use the name `SATA Controller`,
# but some boxes out there instead have a controller named `SATAController`.
# Defaults to `SATA Controller`.
controller: "SATAController"
# In case the box doesn't have a storage controller with the the name in the above `controller` variable we can specify a value of `true` to create it.
# Defaults to `false`.
create_controller: true
# List of "Standard" dynamically allocated disks which should be attached to the storage controller.
# These will initially be very small and not occupy any space for unused virtual disk sectors, but will grow every
# time a disk sector is written to for the first time, until the drive reaches the maximum capacity chosen when the drive was created.
# The first parameter specifies the `storage controler port` to attach the disk, the second parameter specifies the `disksize` in GB.
# Defaults to `nil`.
- { 1: 2000 }
- { 2: 2000 }
# List of "Fixed Shared" disks which should be attached to the storage controller.
# Image files will be created on your host system which have roughly the same size as the virtual disk's capacity.
# The first parameter specifies the `storage controller port` to attach the disk, the second parameter specifies the `disksize` in GB.
# Can be useful when creating Oracle RAC environments.
# Defaults to `nil`.
- { 3: 20 }
- { 4: 20 }
- { 5: 20 }
- { 6: 20 }
# Synced folders enable Vagrant to sync a folder on the host machine to the guest machine.
# By default, Vagrant mounts the synced folders with the owner/group set to the SSH user and any parent folders set to root.
# By default, Vagrant will share your project directory (the directory with the Vagrantfile) to `/vagrant`.
# Options:
# src (string) - Path to a directory on the host machine. If the path is relative, it is relative to the project root.
# dest: (string) - Absolute path of where to share the folder within the guest machine.
# This folder will be created (recursively, if it must) if it does not exist.
# options: (hash) - See the documentation at https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/synced-folders/
# what you can use for the `options` clause. (optional)
# :type: (string) - The type of synced folder. If this is not specified, Vagrant will automatically
# choose the best synced folder option for your environment.
# :create: (boolean) - If true, the host path will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to `false`.
# :disabled: (boolean) - If true, this synced folder will be disabled and will not be setup. Defaults to `false`.
# :owner: (string) - The user who should be the owner of this synced folder. By default this will be the SSH user.
# :group: (string) - The group that will own the synced folder. By default this will be the SSH user.
# :id: (string) - The name for the mount point of this synced folder in the guest machine.
# This shows up when you run mount in the guest machine.
# :mount_options: (array) - A list of additional mount options to pass to the mount command.
# There are also `synced folder type` specific options. All suboptions must start with a `:`, eg. `:type: virtualbox`.
# Example:
# synced_folders:
# - src: "D:/temp/netbox"
# dest: "/media/netbox"
# options:
# :type: rsync
# - src: "."
# dest: "/vagrant"
# options:
# :type: virtualbox
# :mount_options: ['dmode=0700', 'fmode=0600']
# - src: "C:/temp/books"
# dest: "/books"
# options:
# :owner: "vagrant",
# :group: "vagrant",
# :mount_options: ['uid=1234', 'gid=1234']
# Defaults to `nil`.
- src: "D:/temp/netbox"
dest: /media/netbox
:type: virtualbox
# The Vagrant file provisioner allows you to upload a file or directory from the host machine to the guest machine.
# The file/folder is uploaded as the SSH user over SCP, so this location must be writable to that user.
# Options:
# source (string) - Is the local path of the file or directory to be uploaded.
# destination (string) - Is the remote path on the guest machine where the source will be uploaded to.
# Example:
# file_provisioning:
# - source: "~/.gitconfig"
# destination: ".gitconfig"
# - source: "/path/to/host/folder"
# destination: "$HOME/remote/newfolder"
# Defaults to `nil`.
- source: "~/.gitconfig"
destination: ".gitconfig"
# The Vagrant Shell provisioner allows you to upload and execute a script within the guest machine.
# An `inline` script is a script that is given to Vagrant directly within the Vagrantfile.
# An `external` script is uploaded either from the host filesystem or you can pass in its URL.
# To run a script already available on the guest you can use an inline script to invoke the remote script on the guest.
# For POSIX-like machines, the shell provisioner executes scripts with SSH.
# By default, provisioners are only run once, during the first `vagrant up` since the last vagrant destroy,
# unless the `--provision` flag is set. Optionally, you can configure provisioners to run on every up or reload.
# They will only be not run if the `--no-provision` flag is explicitly specified.
# There are four different combinations of shell provisioners which can be configured. All accept a list of shell scripts.
# inline_shell: - Run only once
# inline_shell_always: - Run on every `up` or `reload`
# inline_shell_never: - If you have an optional provisioner that you want to mention to the user in a "post up message"
# or that requires some other configuration before it is possible,
# then call this with `vagrant provision --provision-with <name>`.
# scripts: - Run only once
# scripts_always: - Run on every `up` or `reload`
# scripts_never: - If you have an optional provisioner that you want to mention to the user in a "post up message"
# or that requires some other configuration before it is possible,
# then call this with `vagrant provision --provision-with <name>`.
# Options:
# name: (string) - This value will be displayed in the output so that identification by the user
# is easier when many shell provisioners are present. (optional)
# inline: (string) - Specifies the shell command(s) inline to execute on the remote machine.
# You can use the YAML multiline string syntax `inline: |` for lots of text lines.
# script: (string) - Path to a shell script to upload and execute. It can be a script relative
# to the project Vagrantfile or a remote script (like a gist URL).
# args: (string or array) - Arguments to pass to the shell script when executing it as a single string. (optional)
# These arguments must be written as if they were typed directly on the command
# line, so be sure to escape characters, quote, etc. as needed.
# You may also pass the arguments in using an array. In this case, Vagrant will handle quoting for you.
# One of `inline` or `script` is required depending on the shell provisioner type.
# Example:
# inline_shell:
# - name: "INLINE_SHELL: Hello World inline script (just once)"
# inline: |
# echo This one is $1
# echo This two is $2
# for i in 1 2 3; do
# echo i = $i
# done
# args:
# - "hello, \ world \\ check the . and file-URL file://xyz/dir + \"string\" + 'string' + `uname -a` !"
# - "--param-name + $1"
# inline_shell_always:
# - inline: "/bin/sh /path/to/the/script/already/on/the/guest.sh"
# scripts:
# - script: "https://example.com/provisioner.sh"
# scripts_always:
# - script: "./scripts/test1.sh"
# - name: Test2
# script: "./scripts/test2.sh"
# args: "'hello, world' p2 p3"
# - name: Test2
# script: "./scripts/test2.sh"
# args:
# - "hello, world"
# - p2
# - p3
# Defaults to `nil`.
- name: "INLINE_SHELL (GLOBAL): Hello World GLOBAL inline script (just once)"
inline: |
echo This one is $1
echo This two is $2
- "hello, \ world \\ check the . and URL file://xyz/dir + \"string\" + 'string' + `uname -a` !"
- "--param-name + $1"
# Defaults to `nil`.
- name: "INLINE_SHELL_ALWAYS (GLOBAL): Hello World GLOBAL inline script"
- "hello, world!"
- "--param-name"
inline: |
echo one is $1
echo two is $2
for i in 1 2 3; do
echo i = $i
# Defaults to `nil`.
- name: "bootstrap"
inline: |
echo one is $1
echo two is $2
for i in 1 2 3; do
echo i = $i
- "hello, world!"
- "--param-name"
# Defaults to `nil`.
- script: ./scripts/test1.sh
- name: "SCRIPTS (GLOBAL): ./scripts/test2.sh"
script: ./scripts/test2.sh
args: "'hello, world' p2 p3"
# Defaults to `nil`.
- script: ./scripts/test1.sh
- name: "SCRIPTS_ALWAYS (GLOBAL): ./scripts/test2.sh"
script: ./scripts/test2.sh
args: "'hello, world' p2 p3"
# Defaults to `nil`.
- name: "bootstrap-script"
script: ./scripts/bootstrap.sh
The second YAML document section
specifies list of VirtualBox VMs that are controlled by Vagrant as a YAML list. You
should at least specify a vm_name
attribute for each list element, other settings (see below) are optional:
# Empty YAML array: comment THIS one when you uncomment/specify at least ONE VM specification below.
# vm_name:
# This configuration section configures a list of VirtualBox VMs which should be created by Vagrant.
# Every VM specification starts with the virtual machine name `vm_name`. This name is also shown in
# the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager GUI for the VM name.
# In case of `multihost environments` and Ansible provisioning in `ansible_local` mode
# the Ansible control VM MUST be the LAST list entry.
# Defaults to `ansiblehost`.
# Example:
# - vm_name: node1
# - vm_name: node2
# - vm_name: ansiblehost # The Ansible control VM MUST be the last list entry in multihost environments
# For EVERY VM specification you can optionally have a hash of options which correspond
# to the same named options from the global section. Options from the global section will be OVERWRITTEN
# when specified here, EXCEPT for `vm_options` and `vm_disks` in which case the options are MERGED.
# Additionally there exist the following NEW options:
# hostname:
# This is the actual hostname for the underlying VM. The hostname will be set on boot.
# Defaults to the value of `vm_name` if NOT set.
# Example:
# hostname: master-one.
# private_networks:
# Vagrant `private networks` allow you to access your guest machine by some address that is not publicly
# accessible from the global internet. In general, this means your machine gets an address in the private address space.
# Multiple machines within the same private network (also usually with the restriction that they're backed by the same provider)
# can communicate with each other on private networks. By default, private networks are `host-only networks`.
# The Vagrant VirtualBox provider supports using the private network as a VirtualBox `internal network`.
# Options:
# ip - Either an IP/IPv6 address or the string `dhcp`. (optional, default `dhcp`)
# netmask - The network mask. (optional, default ``)
# mac - The MAC adress attached to the network device (optional)
# Several notations are accepted, including "Linux-style" (00:11:22:33:44:55) and "Windows-style" (00-11-22-33-44-55)
# auto_config - Vagrant will not configure this network interface if set to `false` (optional, default `true`)
# intnet - Either `true` for the default internal network, or specify the name of the internal network (optional)
# Defaults to `nil`.
# Example:
# private_networks:
# - ip: dhcp
# - ip:
# - ip:
# intnet: true
# - ip:
# intnet: myintnet
# public_networks:
# Vagrant `public networks` are less private than private networks, and the exact meaning
# actually varies from provider to provider, hence the ambiguous definition. The idea is
# that while private networks should never allow the general public access to your machine, public networks can.
# The Vagrant VirtualBox provider supports using the public network as a VirtualBox `bridged network`.
# Options:
# ip - Either an IP/IPv6 address or the string `dhcp`.
# auto_config - Vagrant will not configure this network interface if set to `false` (optional, default `true`)
# Defaults to `nil`.
# Example:
# public_networks:
# - ip:
# forwarded_ports:
# Vagrant `forwarded ports` allow you to access a port on your host machine and have all data forwarded
# to a port on the guest machine, over either TCP or UDP.
# Options:
# guest: (int) - The port on the guest that you want to be exposed on the host. This can be any port.
# host: (int) - The port on the host that you want to use to access the port on the guest.
# This must be greater than port 1024 unless Vagrant is running as root (which is not recommended).
# Defaults to `nil`.
# Example:
# forwarded_ports:
# - { guest: 80, host: 8080 }
# - { guest: 90, host: 9090 }
# forwarded_ssh_port:
# Vagrant uses this entry for SSH access into the guest machine instead of the
# default port 2222 for the first machine and an arbitrary port for the rest
# of the machines to avoid conflicts.
# Options:
# guest: (int) - The port on the guest where the SSH daemon is listening. (optional, defaults to `22`)
# host: (int) - The port on the host that you want to use to access the port on the guest. (optional, see comment above)
# This must be greater than port 1024 unless Vagrant is running as root (which is not recommended).
# Defaults to `nil`.
# Example:
# forwarded_ssh_port:
# host: 11110
# aliases:
# When using the `hostmanager` plugin you can specify a list of alias name(s) for the machine which should be
# included in the /etc/hosts file.
# Defaults to `nil`.
# Example:
# aliases:
# - controlhost
# - controlhost.oc.de
# - dnshost dnshost.oc.de
# postup_message:
# A message to show after vagrant up. This will be shown to the user and is useful for containing
# instructions such as how to access various components of the development environment.
# You can use the YAML multiline string syntax `postup_message: |` for lots of text lines.
# Defaults to `nil`.
# Example:
# postup_message: |
# message line 1
# message line 2
# controlhost:
# In `ansible_local` provisioning mode this entry MUST be used with a value of `true` on the LAST host
# list entry for multihost environments. For SINGLE host environments it's optional.
# Defaults to `false`.
# Example:
# controlhost: true
# Virtual machine specifications:
- vm_name: node1
hostname: master
- ip:
- vm_name: node2
hostname: slave
- ip:
- vm_name: ansiblehost # The Ansible control VM MUST be the last list entry in multihost environments
controlhost: true # AND controlhost MUST be set to `true` for ansible_local provisioning mode
- ip:
vm_memory: 4096 # overwrites global `vm_memory` parameter if set
The third YAML document section
specifies the Ansible inventory groupings to be appended to the autogenerated Ansible
inventory files.
# Empty YAML mapping/hash: comment THIS one when you uncomment/specify the `groupings:` option
# Vagrant will autogenerate the Ansible inventory files in `INI`-format in the ansible subfolder of this project
# for the different Ansible provisioning modes, from the host list in the above hosts section of this document:
# For `ansible_local` mode: ansible/.vagrant-local-inventory.ini
# node1 ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/vagrant/.vagrant/insecure_private_key
# node2 ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/vagrant/.vagrant/insecure_private_key
# ansiblehost ansible_connection=local
# For `ansible` mode: ansible/.vagrant-inventory.ini
# node1 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=11121 ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file='../.vagrant/insecure_private_key'
# node2 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=11122 ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file='../.vagrant/insecure_private_key'
# ansiblehost ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=11110 ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file='../.vagrant/insecure_private_key'
# There is an entry for each virtual machine to be created by Vagrant with all the necessary connection details.
# You can can create groupings out of these, which are used in classifying systems and deciding
# what systems you are controlling at what times and for what purpose during Ansible provisioning.
# See also https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_inventory.html and
# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_best_practices.html
# Vagrant will APPEND the contents of the inventory grouping specified here to the autogenerated inventory files.
## Inventory grouping INI syntax:
# Group - Headings in brackets are group names
# Example:
# [webservers]
# foo.example.com
# bar.example.com
# [dbservers]
# one.example.com
# two.example.com
# three.example.com
# Groups of groups - You can make groups of groups using the `:children` suffix
# Example:
# [datacenter:children]
# webservers
# dbservers
# You can use the YAML multiline string syntax `groupings: |` for lots of text lines.
groupings: |
The fourth YAML document section
specifies the (optional) list of required roles which
ansible-galaxy should install before Ansible provisioning is started on the VMs. The
default list is the empty YAML list "[]".
# Empty YAML array: comment THIS one when you uncomment/specify at least ONE Galaxy role.
# Vagrant will use the `ansible-galaxy` command to download roles from the Galaxy website at
# https://galaxy.ansible.com/ or via a URL from a repository within a git based SCM.
# Vagrant will autogenerate the Ansible requirements file in the ansible subfolder of this project.
# See also https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/galaxy.html#installing-roles
## `ansible-galaxy` requirements file syntax:
# Options:
# src: The source of the role. Use the format username.role_name, if
# downloading from Galaxy; otherwise, provide a URL pointing to a
# repository within a git based SCM. See the examples below. This is a
# required attribute.
# scm: Specify the SCM. As of this writing only git or hg are supported. See
# the examples below. Defaults to git.
# version: The version of the role to download. Provide a release tag value,
# commit hash, or branch name. Defaults to master.
# name: Download the role to a specific name. Defaults to the Galaxy name when
# downloading from Galaxy, otherwise it defaults to the name of the
# repository.
# include: Path to another requirements file.
# Example:
# # From galaxy:
# - src: yatesr.timezone
# # From GitHub:
# - src: https://github.com/bennojoy/nginx
# # From GitHub, overriding the name and specifying a specific tag:
# - src: https://github.com/bennojoy/nginx
# version: master
# name: nginx_role
# # From GitHub, overriding the name and specifying a commit hash:
# - src: git+https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-composer.git
# version: 775396299f2da1f519f0d8885022ca2d6ee80ee8
# name: composer
# # From a webserver, where the role is packaged in a tar.gz:
# - src: https://some.webserver.example.com/files/master.tar.gz
# name: http-role
# # From Bitbucket:
# - src: git+https://bitbucket.org/willthames/git-ansible-galaxy
# version: v1.4
# # From Bitbucket, alternative syntax and caveats:
# - src: https://bitbucket.org/willthames/hg-ansible-galaxy
# scm: hg
# # From GitLab or other git-based scm, using git+ssh:
# - src: [email protected]:mygroup/ansible-base.git
# scm: git
# version: "0.1" # quoted, so YAML doesn't parse this as a floating-point value
# # Role includes pull in roles from other files.
# - include: <path_to_requirements>/webserver.yml
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/yum.git
name: vzell.yum
- src: git+https://github.com/vzell/dotfiles.git
name: vzell.dotfiles
The fifth YAML document section
specifies the Ansible playbook section.
The ansible/
subdirectory in the project folder contains the Ansible configuration, and should be structured according
to Ansible's best practices.
If you have specified ansible-galaxy installable roles in the fourth YAML document section
of the Vagrant
configuration file above, the ansible/roles
directory structure will automatically be populated (via ansible-galaxy)
during the vagrant up
or vagrant provision
See also
# Empty YAML mapping/hash: comment THIS one when you uncomment/specify at least ONE playbook by name
# Playbooks are Ansible's configuration, deployment, and orchestration language. They can describe a
# policy you want your remote systems to enforce, or a set of steps in a general IT process.
# See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks.html
# Syntax:
# Mapping(s) of <playbook name>.yml: <content>
# Example:
# site.yml: |
# ---
# - hosts: elk
# become: true
# roles:
# - { role: vzell.yum, tags: vzell.yum }
# - { role: vzell.dotfiles, tags: vzell.dotfiles }
# - role: vzell.ansible-role-java
# tags: java
# - role: geerlingguy.elasticsearch
# vars:
# elasticsearch_network_host: ""
# tags: elasticsearch
# - role: geerlingguy.logstash
# tags: logstash
# - role: geerlingguy.filebeat
# tags: filebeat
# - role: geerlingguy.kibana
# vars:
# kibana_server_host: ""
# tags: kibana
# - role: vzell.ansible-role-firewalld
# vars:
# firewalld_allow_ports:
# - { port: "5601/tcp", permanent: true, state: "enabled"}
# - { port: "9200/tcp", permanent: true, state: "enabled"}
# tags: firewalld
# ...
# reset.yml: |
# ---
# - hosts: elk
# become: true
# roles:
# - { role: vzell.reset, tags: vzell.reset }
# ...
# For `<content>` you SHOULD use the YAML multiline string syntax `<playbook name>.yml: |`.
site.yml: |
- hosts: ansiblehost
become: true
- { role: vzell.yum, tags: vzell.yum }
- { role: vzell.dotfiles, tags: vzell.dotfiles }
- hosts: nodes
become: true
- { role: vzell.yum, tags: vzell.yum }
- { role: vzell.dotfiles, tags: vzell.dotfiles }
- hosts:
become: false
- name: Ansible create file if it doesn't exist example
path: "/misc/devops_server.txt"
state: touch
mode: 0644
- cygwin
The sixth YAML document section
specifies the requirements for pip install
# Empty YAML mapping/hash: comment THIS one when you uncomment/specify the `requirements:` option.
# In Ansible `ansible-local` mode provisioning Ansible can be installed with the `pip` package installer.
# pip supports installing from PyPI, version control, local projects, and directly from distribution files.
# `Requirements files` are files containing a list of items to be installed using `pip install`.
## Syntax
# One line per requirement - https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#requirements-file-format
## Example:
# requirements: |
# ###### Installing from Git, Mercurial, Subversion and Bazaar ######
# # pip detects the type of VCS using url prefixes: 'git+', 'hg+', 'bzr+', 'svn+'
# -e git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git#egg=devel
# #
# ###### Requirements without Version Specifiers ######
# virtualenv
# nose
# nose-cov
# beautifulsoup4
# #
# ###### Requirements with Version Specifiers ######
# # See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#version-specifiers
# docopt == 0.6.1 # Version Matching. Must be version 0.6.1
# keyring >= 4.1.1 # Minimum version 4.1.1
# coverage != 3.5 # Version Exclusion. Anything except version 3.5
# Mopidy-Dirble ~= 1.1 # Compatible release. Same as >= 1.1, == 1.*
# #
# ###### Refer to other requirements files ######
# #-r other-requirements.txt
# #
# ###### A particular file ######
# #./downloads/numpy-1.9.2-cp34-none-win32.whl
# #http://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/wxPython_Phoenix-3.0.3.dev1820+49a8884-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl
# You can use the YAML multiline string syntax `requirements: |` for lots of text lines.
requirements: |
-e git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git#egg=devel
The seventh YAML document section
specifies the Ansible configuration files
for the two different Ansible provisioning modes.
# Empty YAML mapping/hash: comment THIS one when you uncomment/specify the configuration file options
# Certain settings in Ansible are adjustable via a configuration file,
# see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html#ansible-configuration-settings
# Vagrant autogenerates default MINIMAL Ansible configuration files in the ansible folder of this project
# for the two different Ansible provisioning modes.
# For `ansible_local` mode: ansible/.ansible-local.cfg
# [defaults]
# # Disable SSH key host checking
# host_key_checking = no
# # Additional paths to search for roles, colon separated
# roles_path = ./ansible/roles
# [ssh_connection]
# ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
# For `ansible` mode: ansible/.ansible.cfg - (when the underlying system is Cygwin)
# [defaults]
# # Disable SSH key host checking
# host_key_checking = no
# # Additional paths to search for roles, colon separated
# roles_path = ./ansible/roles
# [ssh_connection]
# # ssh arguments to use (`ControlMaster=no` is needed for Ansible to work on Cygwin).
# # Needs to be explicitly set by Vagrant with ansible.raw_ssh_args in Vagrantfile.
# # Vagrant uses ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS for Cygwin which has higher precedence than Ansible configuration options.
# ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=no
# You can overwrite these autogenerated files with your own versions by specifiying YAML mappings.
# Syntax:
# Mapping(s) of <ansible config file>.yml: <content>
# You can use the YAML multiline string syntax `.ansible-local.cfg: |` for lots of text lines.
.ansible-local.cfg: |
<your own content here, see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html#ansible-configuration-settings>
# You can use the YAML multiline string syntax `.ansible.cfg: |` for lots of text lines.
.ansible.cfg: |
<your own content here, see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html#ansible-configuration-settings>
Instead of using the default vagrant-conf.yml
file you can use an arbitrary filename, just specify it in the
environment variable VAGRANT_CONF
VAGRANT_CONF='custom-vagrant-conf.yml' vagrant up
export VAGRANT_CONF='custom-vagrant-conf.yml'
vagrant up