This is Weblocks form view presentation which allows you to use Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead javascript component
It works only with Weblocks Twitter Bootstrap Application
It is used in defview
(defview nil (:type form
:caption "Editing something"
:inherit-from '(:scaffold content-item))
:label "Some catalog"
:display-create-message nil
(lambda (item)
(mapcar #'cdr (catalog-item-text-tree nil))) ; List of strings which will be displayed as typeahead values
; We displaying here object text value which can be turned into object on submit
(lambda (item)
(let ((elem (content-item-catalog-element item)))
(tree-path-pretty-print elem))))
; We transforming here object text presentation into object and connecting this object with form data object
(lambda (value item)
(content-item-catalog-element item)
(parse-catalog-item-from-text value)))))